You can cuss me about the colors later, read this and you will learn something. "And also it is an imperative
EARTH among all sects, parties, denominations,
the subtle craftiness of men, whereby they lie in wait to deceive,
anything from God that was new to reveal to men, what was it that always brought
opposition? Joseph said about THE
us: "Suffice it to say, that Joseph was the
President of the Church, as long as he lived; the people chose to have it so. He
always filled that responsible station, by the voice of the people. Can
you find any revelation appointing him the President of the Church? THE KEYS OF THE PRIESTHOOD were
committed to Joseph, to build up THE KINGDOM OF
GOD on the earth, AND WERE NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM HIM in time
OR IN ETERNITY; but when he was called to preside OVER THE CHURCH, it was by the voice of
the people; though HE HELD THE KEYS of the priesthood, INDEPENDENT OF THEIR
VOICE. President George Q. Cannon: "You well informed Latter-Day Saints know that there are two powers which God has restored in these last days. ONE (1) is THE CHURCH of God, THE OTHER the KINGDOM OF GOD. A man MAY belong to THE KINGDOM OF GOD and YET NOT be a member of THE CHURCH of God." (Journal of Discourses 20:204) From the Documentary History
of the Church we read:
President Wilford Woodruff:
"… said that THE KEYS of (OF) THE
KINGDOM were held by Joseph Smith, Brigham
Young and John Taylor and that "when he, John Taylor, passed away, IT (THE
KEYS) fell upon
me, (Wilford Woodruff) FOR A LITTLE
Millennial Star 52: 594 Remember. That was "THE LORDS" PROPHET SPEAKING. The Prophet Joseph Smith, the chief organizer of both the CHURCH AND THE KINGDOM, well knew the necessity of "Carrying on" IN MANY MATTERS INDEPENDENT OF THE CHURCH, HE SAID: "Brother Brigham, IF I were to reveal to this people what the Lord has revealed to me, THERE IS NOT A MAN OR A WOMAN THAT WOULD STAY WITH ME..." (Journal of Discourses 9:294) Today here on earth the House of God is OUT of order, so the "Church" and "The Kingdom" are not united. The Lord knew this would happen, that is why he said to Joseph: "And this shall be your business and mission IN ALL YOUR LIVES (LIVES) to preside in council, AND SET IN ORDER all the affairs of this Church AND Kingdom."(D & C 90:16) You cannot set something "IN" order, "unless" it is "OUT" of order. God told Joseph in 1833, that it would all get "OUT" of order and messed up. AND he, Joseph would have to "set in order all the affairs of this church AND Kingdom." Joseph was a prophet, Not like the imposters today. Jesus Christ tells us: "EXCEPT a man be BORN OF WATER (BAPTISM) AND OF THE SPIRIT, he cannot enter THE KINGDOM OF GOD." (John 3:5) Now as NO man can he saved OUT OF THE KINGDOM, it is necessary that he should be "BORN" into "THE KINGDOM;" and this would be impossible without an administration SENT OF GOD: for the "birth" or "baptism" of water. Also he would desire to have the "SPIRIT" of the "HOLY GHOST" to confirm him into "THE KINGDOM." Let's read what the Apostle, ORSON PRATT, says: "Reader, HAVE YOU EVER RECEIVED THE HOLY GHOST through the laying on of the hands OF ONE SENT OF GOD? If (IF) not, you are not yet born of the Spirit. You ARE NOT A CHILD OF THE KINGDOM. Know assuredly, that UNLESS YOU FIND SOME MAN who has been sent by the command of God as was Aaron, and get him to remit your sins, through your faith, repentance, and baptism, and have him to minister to you the Holy Ghost. as did the ancient apostles. . . you NEED NOT FLATTER YOURSELF THAT YOU CAN BE SAVED. DO NOT DECEIVE YOURSELF upon this all important subject. "Do you inquire HOW YOU ARE TO KNOW AN AUTHORIZED MAN OF GOD from one who has NO authority. I WILL TELL YOU HOW to discern the difference. A TRUE SERVANT OF GOD WILL NEVER TEACH FALSE DOCTRINE. But (BUT) he will tell you if (IF) you will receive his message, AND be baptized by one having authority that your "sins SHALL BE REMITTED," AND that you shall be filled with thc Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands; AND THAT you shall know, BY THE TEACHINGS THEREOF, that HIS DOCTRINE IS TRUE AND OF GOD. IN THIS RESPECT HE WILL DIFFER from (FROM) all (ALL) IMPOSTORS; for an imposter never had POWER TO "MINISTER THE SPIRIT." "This, then is an infallible sign by which to distinguish TRUE APOSTLES FROM FALSE ONES. IF you would be SAVED, SEEK after the APOSTLES AND PROPHETS OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD, and receive their administration, AND you shall be Filled with the Holy Ghost, AND OBTAIN ETERNAL LIFE." (Orson Pratt, "Writings of an Apostle" On The Kingdom of God, 2:8) "And it shall come to pass that I, THE LORD GOD, WILL send one mighty and strong. HOLDING the scepter of POWER (Keys) in his hand, CLOTHED WITH LIGHT for a covering, (resurrected) whose mouth shall utter words eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, (Joseph) TO SET IN ORDER THE HOUSE OF GOD and to arrange by lot the Inheritances of the saints WHOSE NAMES ARE FOUND. and the names their fathers, and of their Children, ENROLLED IN THE BOOK OF THE LAW OF GOD." (D & C 85:7) (Is your name in the book yet? Nope!) Joseph could not set it back in order, unless it was OUT of order. The people have to show the names of their fathers, or prove they are of the chosen blood and not imposters. And if they can't then their children cannot be enrolled in the law of God. Mormons don't believe their own scriptures anymore than Christians believe the Bible. And they will have to die by the millions too. Brigham Young said: "TO ME it is THE KINGDOM OF GOD OR NOTHING upon the earth. WITHOUT IT, I would not give a farthing for the wealth, glory, prestige, and power of all the world combined." (Journal of Discourses 11:126) He said: ''Now those men, OR those women, who know NO MORE ABOUT THE POWER OF GOD, and the influences of THE HOLY SPIRIT, than to be led ENTIRELY BY ANOTHER PERSON, suspending their own understanding, and pinning their faith upon another's sleeve, WILL NEVER BE CAPABLE OF ENTERING INTO THE CELESTIAL GLORY, to be crowned as they anticipate, THEY will never be capable of becoming Gods. They cannot rule themselves, to say nothing of ruling others, BUT they must be dictated to in every trifle, like a child. They never can hold scepters of glory, majesty, and power in the celestial kingdom. Who will? THOSE Who ARE VALIANT and inspired with the true independence of heaven, ("FREE" BORN) who will go forth boldly in the service of their God, leaving others to do as they please, determined to do right THOUGH ALL MANKIND besides SHOULD TAKE THE OPPOSITE course."(President Brigham Young Journal of Discourses 1:312) Joseph Smith said: "Wednesday 21, 1844 - The Reverend, Mr. DeWolfe, EPISCOPALIAN, lectured in the assembly room this evening. I attended AND after after THE SERMON, at HIS request, spoke to the people showing them that to get salvation WE MUST NOT ONLY DO SOME THINGS, BUT EVERYTHING WHICH GOD HAS COMMANDED, MEN may preach and practice everything EXCEPT those things which God commands us to do, AND WILL BE DAMNED AT LAST. We may tithe mint and rue, and all at manner of herbs, AND still not obey the commandments of God. The object WITH ME IS TO OBEY AND TEACH OTHERS to obey God in just what he tells us to do, It mattereth not whether the principle is popular OR UNPOPULAR, I WILL ALWAYS maintain a true principle, even if I stand alone in it." (Joseph Smith, Documentary History of the Church 6:223) Reader do you have that kind of personal integrity ? Now that you have read the
church AND
kingdom are not the
same you can "uncuss" me, or refuse to
learn, and never see God again. OR, is burning with the crowd the most important to you, because of your friends. You decide, it is your life. Would you lie to God, IF he asked you to help build up the Kingdom of God upon the Earth as he has asked many. Make yourself
a Holographic Last "Will " before you
die. Tell anyone
you want to live to see these web pages, soon. OR they will
die. |
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