The Last of the last days -- not the end of time. 2 Esdras This is part 1
part 2
The Oxford University Press in London printed my copy
of 2 Esdras long ago. Today it can be found in The Apocrypha according to the original
authorized King James Version.
The Apocryphal books were part of the Alexandrian literature found in Egypt. The
word "Apocryphal" means hidden, or
secret. Most people cannot
understand them. Many don't even think they are true, when
the proof of their existence goes back thousands of years.
Narrow minded fools they are. Bound to some childish
traditions. When the King James Bible was published in 1611, barely 388 years
ago, the Archbishop of Canterbury in England imposed a sentence of one year on
any publisher who left out the Apocrypha.
2 Esdras 14: 26 "And when thou hast done,
some things shalt thou publish,
and some things shalt thou show
secretly to the wise." Are you wise enough to read
the hidden things ?
The Books of the Apocrypha
1. 1 Esdras
2. 2 Esdras
3. Tobit
4. Judith
5. The Rest of Esther
6. The Wisdom of Solomon
7. Ecclesiasticus Chapters 1--51
8. Baruch
9. The Song of the Three Holy Children
10. The History of Susanna
11. The Destruction of Bel and the Dragon
12. The Prayer of Manasses
13. 1 Maccabees
14. 2 Maccabees
Joseph the Prophet had enough sense to realize
their value when he wrote: "THE
Times and Seasons July
1, 1841 Volume 2 page 464 He said : "Perhaps,
there are none
of the writings of the ancient prophets that are
more accurate, and distinct
in pointing out future events, than the
writings of the prophet Esdras,
which are found among the apocryphal writings of the Old Testament. Some of his
writings upon the works of God in his own day are also very plain and precise.
Therefore, we opine that a few extracts from them, will be interesting to our
"The idea that the writings of Esdras
are genuine, as far as the historical matter is concerned, is not so much
disputed, as the idea of their being written by the inspiration of God. We
suppose that the principle objection to them, is that they were written in a
different language from the other writings of the Jewish prophets.
"And tradition
or supposition seemed to infuse the idea, that the Hebrew language was a sign
that the writings of the prophets were written by inspiration; therefore,
because the writings of Esdras
were not written in this language, the compilers rejected them as not being
inspired writings. "
Date: March 9,
1833 Place:
Kirtland, Ohio To: Joseph
Smith Doctrine and Covenants Section 91:Verse 1
"Verily, thus saith the Lord
unto you concerning the Apocrypha--There are many things
contained therein that are true, and
it is mostly
translated correctly;
2 There are many things contained therein that are not
true, which are interpolations by the hands of men.
3 Verily, I say
unto you, that it is not needful that the Apocrypha should
be translated.
4 Therefore, whoso readeth it,
let him understand, for
the Spirit manifesteth truth;
5 And whoso
is enlightened by
the Spirit shall
obtain benefit therefrom;
6 And whoso receiveth not
by the Spirit, cannot
be benefited. Therefore it is not needful that it
should be translated. Amen."
So now we shall read some of 2 Esdras, and
you can see if you have enough of the spirit to benefit.
It is to big to put all on the web, so I shall "select" some passages,
hoping you will study more and learn to live.
I can see in doing this, I will have to split it into 2 parts,
continue at end.
I will put my
personal comments ( in brackets)
(so you know.)
2 Esdras 4:22 "Then answered
I and said, I beseech thee, O Lord, let me have understanding:
5:2 Behold, the days shall come, that
they which dwell upon earth shall be taken in a great number,
(Boom! Nuclear War)
and the way of truth shall be hidden, and
the land shall be barren of
faith." (I will have a flyer on faith in November)
(Do you have faith enough
to see through the veil? Perhaps
you should get your life in order and FAST
for a week, OR
a month, OR
6 weeks.
As I have in the past, (I lost 18 pounds so my wife was surprised when she saw me after 6 weeks) and
as Esdras, and other prophets have done.)
5:20 "And so I fasted seven
days, mourning and weeping, like as Uriel the angel
commanded me.
6:30 And these words said he unto me; I am come to shew thee the time of the
night to come.
31 If thou wilt pray yet
more, and fast seven days again,
I shall tell thee greater things by day than I have heard.
7:1 And when I made an end of speaking these words, there was sent unto me
the angel which had been sent unto me the nights afore:
2 And he said unto me, Up, Esdras,
and hear the words that I am come to tell
CLICK HERE to read a dream where I was kept
UP much of the night.
OR you can see
the Updates Page and go down to Monday
1/25 @ 5AM I have just had a dream.
7:19 And he said unto me, There is no
judge above God, and none that hath
understanding above the highest.
20 For there be many that perish
in this life, because they despise
the law of God that is set before them.
9:11 And they that have lothed my law, while
they had yet liberty, and, when
as yet place of repentance was open unto them, understood
not, but despised it;
- The same must know it after
by pain.
- And therefore be not thou curious how the ungodly shall be punished,
and when:
enquire how the righteous shall be saved.
2 Esdras 12:1 -51 And it came to pass, whiles the lion
spake these words unto the eagle, (USA)
I saw, (the Eagle IS
the USA.
2 And, behold, the head that remained and the four wings appeared no more, and
the two went unto it and set themselves up to reign, and their kingdom was
small, and fill of uproar.
3 And I saw, and, behold, they appeared no more, and
the whole body of the eagle (USA)
was burnt so that the earth was in
great fear: then awaked I
out of the trouble and trance of my mind, and from great fear, and said
unto my spirit,
4 Lo, this hast thou done unto me, in that thou searchest out the ways of the
the USA.
CLICK HERE to see the eagle (USA)
Targets to be hit (Burnt)
5 Lo, yet am I weary in my mind, and very weak in my spirit; and little
strength is there in me, for the great
fear wherewith I was afflicted this night.
6 Therefore will I now beseech the Highest, that he will comfort me unto the
7 And I said, Lord that bearest rule, if I have found grace before thy sight,
and if I am justified with thee before many others, and if my prayer indeed be
come up before thy face;
8 Comfort me then, and shew me thy
servant the interpretation and plain difference of this
fearful vision, that thou mayest perfectly comfort my soul.
9 For thou hast judged me worthy to shew me the
last times.
10 And he said unto me, This is
the interpretation of the vision:
CLICK HERE to see the Russian Missiles
Ready Now (NOW)
Revelation 12:14 "And to the
woman were given two wings of
a great eagle,
that she
might fly into the wilderness, into her
place, where she
is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the
serpent." FROM 744 B.C. TO
1776 on July 4th. The
American Revolution. CLICK
HERE to see that 744 B.C. date on the
Her-She, stands as the Statue of Liberty, today!
11 The eagle, (USA)
whom thou sawest come up from the sea,
(people) is the kingdom which was seen in the
v ision of thy brother Daniel.
12 But it was not expounded unto
him, therefore now I declare it unto thee.
13 Behold, the days will come, that there shall rise up a
kingdom upon earth, and
it shall be feared above all the kingdoms that were before it.
14 In the same shall twelve kings reign, one after another:
15 Whereof the second shall begin to reign, and shall have more time than any of
the twelve.
16 And this do the twelve wings signify, which thou sawest.
31 And the lion, whom thou sawest rising up out of the
wood, and roaring, and speaking to the eagle, (USA)
and rebuking her for her unrighteousness
with all the words which thou hast heard;
32 This is the anointed, which the Highest hath kept for
them and for their wickedness unto the end: he shall reprove them, and shall
upbraid them with their cruelty.
CLICK HERE to see about America AMER
- rica
33 For he shall set them before him
alive in judgment, and shall rebuke them, and correct
34 For the rest of my people shall he deliver with mercy,
those that have been pressed upon my borders, and he shall make them joyful
until the coming of the day of judgment, whereof I
have spoken unto thee from the the beginning.
35 This is the dream that thou sawest, and these are the interpretations.
36 Thou only hast been meet to know this secret
of the Highest.
37 Therefore write all these things that thou hast seen in
a book, and hide them:
38 And teach them to the wise
of the people, whose hearts thou knowest may comprehend
and keep these secrets.
44 If thou shalt forsake us, how much better had it been for us, if we also had
been burned in the midst of Sion?
45 For we are not better than they that died there. And they wept with a loud
Then answered I them, and said,
46 Be of good comfort, O
Israel; and be not heavy, thou house
of Jacob:
CLICK HERE to learn more about true Israel.
47 For the Highest hath you in remembrance,
and the Mighty hath not forgotten you in temptation.
48 As for me, I have not forsaken you,
neither am I departed from you: but am come into this place, to pray for the
desolation of Sion, and that I might seek mercy for the low estate of your
49 And now go your way home every man, and after
these days will I come unto you.
50 So the people went their way into the city, like as I commanded them:
51 But I remained still in the field seven
days, as the angel commanded me; and
did eat only in those days of the flowers of the field,
and had my meat of the herbs.
II Esdras 13:1-58
1 And it came to pass after
seven days, I dreamed a dream by night:
2 And, lo, there arose a wind from the sea, that it moved
all the waves thereof.
3 And I beheld, and, lo, that
man (Christ) waxed strong
with the thousands of heaven:
and when he turned his countenance to look all the things trembled that were
seen under him.
4 And whensoever the voice
went out of his mouth, (Christ
is not a dragon) all they burned
that heard his voice, like as the earth faileth when it feeleth the fire. (He
just commands.)
5 And after this
I beheld, and, lo, there was gathered together a multitude of men, out of
number, from the four winds of the
heaven, to subdue the man that came out of the sea.
6 But I beheld, and, lo, he had graved himself a
great mountain, (Kingdom of God)
and flew up upon it. CLICK HERE to see the
7 But I would have seen the region or place whereout the hill was graven, and I
could not.
8 And after this I beheld, and, lo, all they which were gathered together to
subdue him were sore afraid, and yet durst fight.
9 And, lo, as he saw
the violence of the multitude that came, he neither lifted up his hand,
nor held sword, nor any instrument of war:
10 But only I saw that he sent out of his mouth as it had
been a blast of fire, and out of his lips a flaming breath, and out of his
tongue he cast out sparks and tempests. (He just
11 And they were all mixed together; the blast of fire, the flaming breath,
and the great tempest; and fell with violence upon the multitude which was
prepared to fight, and burned them up every one, so that upon a sudden of
an innumerable multitude nothing was to be perceived, but only dust and smell
of smoke: when I saw this I was afraid. (You
can't imagine how it is to stand in God's
"supernatural reality videos" and feel the heat, and
smell the smoke, and hear the noise, it is almost enough to scare me to death
12 Afterward saw
I the same man (Jesus) come down from the mountain, and
call unto him another
peaceable Multitude.
13 And there came
much people unto him, whereof some
were glad, some
were sorry, and some of them were bound, and other
some brought of them that were offered: then was I sick through great fear, and
I awaked, and said, (Will
you be sorry, or glad?)
14 Thou hast shewed thy servant these wonders from the beginning, and hast
counted me worthy that thou shouldest receive my prayer:
15 Shew me now yet the interpretation of this
16 For as I conceive in mine understanding, woe unto them that shall be
left in those days and much more woe
unto them that are not
left behind!
17 For they that were not left were in heaviness.
18 Now understand I the things that are laid up
in the latter days, which shall
happen unto them, and to those that are left behind. (These are the latter days, which he spoke about.)
19 Therefore are they come into great perils and many necessities, like as these
dreams declare.
20 Yet is it easier for him that is in danger
to come into these things, than
to pass away as a cloud out of the world, and
not to see the things that happen in the
last days. And he answered unto me, and said,
the parowan prophet am sent to tell you that you are in danger, so get ready.)
21 The interpretation of the vision shall I shew thee, and I will open unto thee
the thing that thou hast required.
22 Whereas thou hast spoken of them that are left behind, this is the
23 He that shall endure the peril in that time
hath kept himself: they that be fallen into danger are
such as have works, and faith toward the Almighty.
24 Know this therefore, that they which be left
behind are more
blessed than they that be dead.
(Some idiot hypocrites say that they want to be the 1st. to die in the attack,
they are the hypocrites.)
25 This is the meaning of the vision:
Whereas thou sawest a man (Christ) coming
up from the midst of the sea: (people)
26 The same is he
whom God the Highest hath kept a great season, (almost
2000 years) which by his own self
shall deliver his creature: and he shall
order them that are left behind.
27 And whereas thou sawest, that out of his
mouth there came as a blast of wind, and fire, and storm;
28 And that he held neither sword, nor any
instrument of war, but that the rushing in of him
destroyed the whole multitude that came to subdue him;
this is the interpretation:
29 Behold, the days come, when the most High
will begin to deliver them that are upon the earth.
30 And he shall come to the astonishment of them
that dwell on the earth.
31 And one shall undertake to fight against
another, one city against another, one
place against another, one people against another,
and one realm against another.
32 And the time shall be when these things
shall come to pass, and the signs shall happen
which I shewed thee before, and then shall my Son
be declared, whom thou sawest as a man ascending.
33 And when all the people hear his voice,
every man shall in their own land leave the battle they have one against
34 And an innumerable multitude shall be gathered together, as thou sawest them,
willing to come, and to overcome him by fighting.
35 But he shall stand upon the top of the mount
36 And Sion shall come, and shall be shewed to all men, being prepared and
builded, like as thou sawest the hill graven without hands.
37 And this my Son shall
rebuke the wicked inventions of those
nations, which for their wicked life are fallen into the tempest;
38 And shall lay before them their evil thoughts, and the torments wherewith
they shall begin to be tormented, which are like unto a flame: and he
shall destroy them without labour by the law which is like unto me.
39 And whereas thou sawest that he gathered
another peaceable multitude unto him; (Christ)
40 Those are the ten tribes, which were carried away prisoners out
of their own land in the time of Osea the king, whom Salmanasar
the king of Assyria led away captive, and he carried them over the waters, and
so came they into another land. ( 1
Kings 11,12, and 2 Kings 17:3--18:13 really worth the time to study and
Read it all where they in 2 Kings 18:27 "But Rabshakeh said unto
them, Hath my master sent me to thy master, and to thee, to speak these words?
hath he not sent me to the men which sit on the wall, that they may eat their
own dung, and drink their own piss with you?" end quote.
CLICK HERE to see how to, not
have to drink your own piss.
41 But they took this counsel among themselves, that they would leave the
multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never
mankind dwelt,
42 That they might there keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own
43 And they entered into Euphrates
(River) by the narrow places of
the river.
44 For the most High then shewed signs for
them, and held still the flood, till
they were passed over. (The
Caucasus Pass
Eastern Europe, and became the Caucasians
people today.
Are you a Caucasian? OR some other race?)
CLICK HERE to see the Migrations Map.
45 For through that country there was a great way to go, namely, of a year and a
half: and the same region is called Arsareth.
(Today it is the River "Siret" (Sereth)
now in southern Rumania that flows into
the Danube, that flows another 90 miles into
the Black Sea.)
46 Then dwelt they there until the
latter time; and now when they shall begin
to come,
53 This is the interpretation of the dream which thou sawest,
and whereby thou only art here lightened.
54 For thou hast forsaken thine own way, and applied thy diligence unto my law,
and sought it.
55 Thy life hast thou ordered in wisdom, and hast called understanding thy
56 And therefore have I shewed thee the treasures of the Highest: after
other three days I will speak other things unto thee, and declare unto thee
mighty and wondrous things.