We Kept the Commandment
on Jun 12, 2005 at our meeting in Parowan, Utah, 84761-1000
Feast of Weeks
= Shavout=
weeks 2 Tim 2:15 -16 Deuteronomy 16: 16
and Exodus 23: 14-17 To meet 3 times
in a year. Forever = 4 times Levi 23:
14—21—31—41 Matthew 5: 17 not destroy law or
prophets Matthew 13 Seed sown. What kind of
seed are you? Mark 4: 11-12
Acts 2: 1 Day of Pentecost :5
Devout men kept the Feast of weeks as we are doing. : 9 Parthians My WEB site = Tribes No.
11 Afghanistan War 2001 sheet CLICK
HERE Matthew 23: 15 Pharisees,
hypocrites. Proselyte child of hell = Dictionary page 79 -in my Four in
one. 23: 3 Say and do not. Moroni 4: 3
& John 1: 41 We have found the
Christ. Revelations = Wine TPJS 192 -New things revealed 193-
Elijah said TO ME in 1997 that the curse was going to come on America
because we have not obeyed God. Do you ASK? I do. Matt 7: 7-11 ; Rev 3: 12
& 20 ; Talks here are different. Numbers 28: 26 after
your weeks be out holy convocation Deut
16: 10 keep the Feast of weeks Exodus 34: 22 weeks= first fruits
of wheat harvest = Matt 13: 39 reapers angels= 13: 30 wheat into my barn –
Joel 2: 24 floors= valleys of Utah full
of wheat. See John Taylor Vision CLICK
John 20:15- 18 She suppose him to be the
gardener Leviticus 23: 11,16,17 wave =50
days Two loaves = 2 comings to harvest wheat :17=
2nd. Is puffed up Church bread. With leaven =
leaven of Pharisees = doctrine = Matt 16:
11-12 Luke 12:1 Garlic Numbers
11:5, Onions, leeks. Wheat Harvest Romans 8: 27—33
predestinate to image of his Son= take name
Exodus at Passover
left Egypt. Ex 12 Traveled 50 days to Mt. Sinai =
10 commands Where? North Arabia after
crossing Red Sea. Map shown.
Exodus 24: 12—17
Moses goes to see God, devouring fire. 24: 7
Covenant The Covenant was on
Pentecost. See 20:19 let God speak to thee or we
No free lunch = No pain= No Gain. Hebrews 10:
26—31 If we sin= fearful thing 10: 30 live by faith-draw back=
perdition. 1 Corinthians 10:11 Ensamples end !
Spirit to ONLY those who obey him. Obey
God first. Acts 5: 29—32 key to Holy Ghost. TPJS 193 Don’t Accuse Brethren =
sin is not a sin “Missing the Mark= chata”
Betrayed by
FRIENDS Luke 21:16—19 Receive hundredfold Matt 19:
29 6th. Lecture on Faith by Joseph Smith.
Moses born on Feast of
Elijah ascended in fiery chariot on Feast of weeks.
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph
Smith 272 not people of God with NO
revelations. TPJS 167 every important matter revealed through God's
Prophet. Is the attack on the USA important
enough for God to care about his people?
I am not
ashamed of Gospel. Romans 1: 16 Wrath= :18 without
excuse= :20 worthy of death= :32 Two
loaves bread. Cheesecake= Song Solomon 4:11 pg 869
Fruits Wine Malachi
Matt 17: 11 Elias restore, :12 come already, :13 ==
John Joseph “Keys” never taken D&C 90: 2-3, 16 all your
lives. TPJS 274 legal administrator
necessary. D&C 1: 19 break down mighty & strong ones. 3
Nephi 21:7 When, :9 a man, heal him (from his airplane crash) CLICK
HERE D&C 45:56,57 virgins ; 95:6
not chosen sinned, 101:95 strange act, -101:38-42 & 11
indignation soon. : 7 slow to hear= so God
is slow to hear their prayers, when they need his help. 121:
34-40,43 few chosen Every important Matter Revealed TPJS 167 Boom! World
Priesthood lesson for
Feast of Weeks on June 12, 2005 in
Parowan Ut. 84761-1000 We say that anyone who claims any
authority anywhere is at great peril of their eternal salvation if they
want to argue with the real Prophet Joseph Smith.
So we shall look today at what he did say which is recorded in
“The Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith”
sold by Deseret Book Stores in Utah and elsewhere. We will quote small
portions and the page references so anyone can get a copy of that book and
read the entire page of his comments. Otherwise this reference sheet
would be many feet long. Why don’t leaders today follow the ‘Real’
Prophet? TPJS and Page number. 375 All men are liars who say they are of the
true Church without the revelations of Jesus Christ. 343 If we
start right, it is easy to go right all the time; but if we start wrong,
we may go wrong, and it be a hard matter to get right. 342 “Joseph
Smith spoke for “two” hours and revealed 34 doctrines in the King Follett
Discourse,--my comment” so read from page 342 to 362 and learn a
little. 332 I will always maintain a true principle, even if I
stand alone in it. 336 And it is necessary to know who holds the keys
of power, and who does not, or we may be likely to be deceived.
309 There are a great many wise men and women too in our midst
who are too wise to be taught; therefore they must die in their ignorance,
and in the resurrection they will find their mistake. 308
Principles of the Gospel never change. It was the design of the councils
of heaven before the world was, All must be saved upon the same
principles. 331 And any person who is exalted to the highest
mansion has to abide a celestial law, and the whole law too. 331 Even
the Saints are slow to understand. I have tried for a number of
years to get the minds of the Saints prepared to receive the things of
God. 344-45 If I show, verily, that I have the truth
of God, and show that ninety-nine out of every hundred professing
religious ministers are false teachers, having no authority, while they
pretend to hold the keys of God’s kingdom on earth, and was to kill them
because they are false teachers, it would deluge the whole world with
321 I say to all those who are disposed to set up
stakes for the Almighty; You will come short of the glory of God.
269 Any man who says he is a teacher or a preacher of
righteousness, and denies the spirit of prophecy, is a liar, and the truth
is not in him; and by this key false teachers and imposters may be
detected. 271 And, in consequence of rejecting the Gospel of
Jesus Christ and the Prophets whom God hath sent, the judgments of God
have rested upon people. My comment: “Because the true prophet has
been rejected, millions will soon die.” 268 I told them I was
but a man, and they must not expect me to be perfect; if they expected
perfection from me , I should expect it from them. 311 Any man
may believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, and be happy in that
belief, and yet not obey his commandments, and at last be cut down for
disobedience to the Lord’s righteous requirements.
And God has decreed that all who will not obey His voice shall not escape
the damnation of hell. What is the damnation of hell? To go with that
society who have not obeyed His commands. 324 Could you gaze
into heaven five minutes, you would know more than you would by reading
all that was ever written on the subject. 298 Then knowledge
through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the grand key that unlocks the
glorious mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. 181 All the
Prophets had the Melchizedek Priesthood and were ordained by God himself.
181 The moment we revolt at anything that comes from God the
devil takes power. 348 When you climb up a ladder, you must
begin at the bottom, and ascend step by step, until you arrive at the top;
and so it is with the principles of the Gospel.
145-46 There
are many yet on the earth…who are only kept from the truth because they
know not where to find it. 308 A man never has half so much fuss
to unlock a door, if he has a key. 171 Thus we behold the keys
of this Priesthood consisted in obtaining the voice of Jehovah.
345 It is the first principle of the Gospel to know for a
certainty the Character of God, and to know that we may converse with him
as one man converses with another. 350 Having a knowledge of
God, we begin to know how to approach him, and how to ask so as to receive
an answer. 350 When we are ready to come to him he is
ready to come to us. 272 But if we do not get revelations, we do
not have the oracles of God; and if they have not the oracles of God, they
are not the people of God.
9 The Lord would cut
short his work in righteousness and except the Church receive the fullness
of the Scriptures that they would yet fail. 324 They have got to
be subject, before they leave this world, to certain rules and principles,
which were fixed by an unalterable decree before the world
was. 91 The order of the house of God has
been, and ever will be, the same, even after Christ comes. 168
Therefore He set the ordinances to be the same forever and ever.
309 All men who become heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus
Christ will have to receive the fullness of the ordinances of his kingdom;
and those who will not receive all the ordinances will come short of the
fullness of that glory, if they do not lose the whole.
339 If men have received the good word
of God, and tasted of the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall
away, it is impossible to renew them again,...for this is a reserve made
in the seals and power of the Priesthood. 128 Again if men sin wilfully after they have received
the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin,
but a certain fearful looking for of
judgment and fiery indignation to come which shall devour these
adversaries. See what is HOT CLICK HERE
If you have learned anything from my friend Joseph
then maybe you want to live and see his return with our Saviour. See ParowanProphet.com You can live. If
you will believe the Lord's true prophet. Or will you die soon.
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