Revelation 11/ 29/ 09 “Listen my son and you shall hear the Voice of thy redeemer. I know and understand thy heart, at the sorrow of this people. I know their rebellion, of those who are not willing to obey me. Leave them to themselves that they will understand the order of my house and kingdom. They lie with their lips, and say that they will obey me in all things, yet they are self-willed and not humble. I will chasten them and leave them to their own imaginations. They profess to understand correct doctrine and yet desire to have it accomplished in ways they have decided would be more correct than that what I have revealed unto thee. They would command thee, and me, to cause things to be established some other way than that which I have revealed unto thee. Let them kick against the pricks until they are bloody. They will understand the pain of being forsaken soon. They will feel the pain of their rebellion of my holy order because they were slow to hearken unto my words through thee. They seek to counsel their God; and would have me accomplish my will according to their will. I will not stand for such rebellion and stubbornness. There is so much pride and selfishness among all people, that much of the earth must be wasted.
They are self willed and will not obey what I have said unto all of my prophets. They are hypocrites and liars, self willed, with self-righteousness. Do not weep for them any longer, they deserve what they have chosen for themselves. Thy wives, and others also with their wives and some seed, must also feel the wrath of their rebellion at thy words. I will not pardon them until they have broken hearts, and weep at the loss of their own children, as thy wives will that I have sealed unto thee. I love them also as ye do, but my wisdom is beyond thy understanding and I will chasten with death and sorrow, and mourning all those who rebel at my words and commands. Even some of thy own children because I do love them, and will chasten them before thee. I will do unto them what ye would not do, because I am more righteous than thee. I have seen thee strive to save too many people that I have determined must die. Because of their own self will, and rebellion at my commands. They have eyes to see but refuse to see. I will show them who is God. I can do my own will in my own time, and no man can stay my hand. Those who are self willed must needs perish that my will shall be established. My kingdom will be established by those who are left alive after they see the power of my will upon this earth. Some will be left, and come unto thee to learn my righteous ways. I will give thee strength to do as I tell thee, from time to time. Keep thyself from the people, that they who will not hear thy words, shall not hear my words. Desolation shall be their reward or I would cease to be a God of truth.” At home in Parowan 9:11 pm 11/ 29/ 09
We have more revelation concerning this wonderful change in other revelations. In Section 101, the Lord declares that when the seventh seal is opened, or when the time has come for the new heaven and earth to appear, the veil that covers the temple and hides the earth, "shall be taken off, and all flesh shall see me together." Then will come the cleansing of the earth of its iniquity, "And every corruptible thing, both of man, or of the beast of the field, or of the fowls of the heavens, or of the fish of the sea, that dwells upon all the face of the earth shall be consumed; and also that of element (i.e. corrupt element) shall melt with fervent heat; and all things shall become new, that my knowledge and glory may dwell upon all the earth." (Several years HOT! @ 11 million degrees Nuclear Fireballs.) The enmity of man will depart; Satan shall be bound, and "there shall be no more death." That is to say, death will be postponed so that the infant shall not die until it is old, and when death comes it will be by sudden change and there shall be no graves. This will be the condition under the renewed earth. Moreover, the promise is made, that when Christ shall come to reign, "He shall command the great deep, and it shall be driven back into the north countries, and the islands shall become one land." This was the condition in the beginning. Jerusalem and Zion also shall be brought back when the continents unite, and Christ shall reign over his people.
For one thousand years this terrestrial condition will prevail. All things upon the earth that have subscribed to the telestial law will have been removed, and creatures of the terrestrial order will remain. At the close of this period there shall come a little season when Satan shall be loosed: "For the great Millennium, of which I have spoken by the mouth of my servants, shall come. For Satan (Santa) shall be bound, and when he is loosed again he shall only reign for a little season, and then cometh the end of the earth. And he that liveth in righteousness shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye, and the earth shall pass away so as by fire." (Doctrine & Covenants 43:31-32; II Peter 3:10; Isaiah 24:4-5; Luke 21:33; D. & C. 29:21-25.) Nuclear War Survival Information CLICK HERE My Letter to my friend Don CLICK HERE
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