When The Signs Say

Warning: There are a lot of lies said about my prophecies. So "if" you don't see it here on my Web pages, then don't believe it. The Devil uses most people to tell tattle tales that are not even true and they don't know it themseves. God said Lies would be told by the Devil to keep the people from the truth. DC 45 Preface tells us the the Devil has not changed his efforts.


What if Lot had not fled Sodom?

What if Samson's hair had not been cut?

What if God had not sealed the Lion's mouths for Daniel?

What if God had not sent warnings by prophets in the past?

What if people won't hear a prophet’s warning today? Will You?

The list can go on forever. There are so many "What if's."





So, what if you had a dream, vision, of SNOW on the ground, AND all the Christmas lights put up over main street, and stores are decorated. When do you think it was? You see a short day, and then a long night. (December 21, is the shortest day of the year) Then you see a sundown, and a little while passes and the power goes off. Everything is dark. Nothing works, some cars won't even start so people can go home from shopping. Then FLASHES of light begin to appear on the horizon, and you hear terrible noise. Then you see mushroom clouds in every direction, and watch streaks of light, you think are rocket tails go by and crash in more huge, horrible fire balls.



What would you think? Nuclear War has began! Would you tell anyone what you saw? What if you could smell the smoke, AND feel the heat from the fireball, AND in this vision you are told to warn people what is about to happen. So that some who "really" believe the Bible, can prepare for what will happen. You see millions burned so horrible their flesh is peeling off their bones, and the stink is terrible. You see millions of children with no parents, wandering the streets, and starving to death. Bodies of the dead just laying and rotting wherever they fell.Dogs, and rodents eating people. Cities gone and few left alive. Then you wake up from the vision, and are glad your alive and it was only a dream. Sometime later your driving down the highway, and you see a mushroom cloud rise up before you at 7am. and your in the traffic.


The vision stays in view, until you drive past it and can see where it will hit, in your rear view mirror. Many other times, you see events that will happen so you tell people. Acts 2:18 says:"AND on MY servants AND on MY handmaidens I WILL pour out in those days of my Spirit; AND they SHALL prophesy:" BECAUSE you "really" do believe the Bible and ALL the Holy Words of God wherever they are written, you really try to be obedient to God. Hypocrites mock your visions, but that does not matter. You get visits from people beyond this mortal life. The Lord says he will bless you no matter what others do to you. He says to follow

him no matter what. He has overcome even death, and he gives you a blessing and a promise, for you personally, to be with him in eternity. You get dozens of revelations, about all kinds of things, so do you think you can keep your mouth shut? SO I tell you to get ready NOW, "months before" Christmas time.


The heat emitted within the first minute will start fires many miles away. Quoting from The Effects of Nuclear Weapons p. 290,:A 1-megaton air burst below 15,000 feet altitude could cause ignition in newspaper when the visibility is 12 miles. However, if the explosion were to take place BETWEEN a cloud layer and the target OR IF the ground surface is highly reflective, as when covered with snow, (at christmas) the distance would be greater. End quote.(out to 20 miles). The dynamics of the thermal radiant power will vary from place to place, so I won't try to explain other than to say that millions will feel the fire of hell.



How do I know this will happen? BECAUSE GOD has called me and not some other man, or group of men. I have seen and had Jesus Christ's hands on my head in blessing. I have the promises of God. Even with the sins others think I have, they are not my judges. So I'm trying to help them. They who are so self righteous that they won't listen to my warnings will know soon that they waited too long to repent.


I have been on Radio Shows where they didn't want to know the truth. They just asked me on to have me to make fun of, and scoff at. Like 2 Peter 3:3 says in the Bible. Other Stations won't spend $5 to call me, (1/100 of a cent on their listeners) to WARN their audience of tens of thousands of people to try and save their lives. Some Stations with 50,000 listeners WILL have regrets when they don't have the listeners left. I have sent information to hundreds of them! (There are 517 Radio talk shows of the 9362 stations in the USA.) But millions HAVE heard my voice of warning on other radio shows. With this flyer I'll show some of my Prophesies from the past that have happened. AND I'll tell you some about the future.



Dear Danny, (Radio Show Host)

You will be glad to know that NOT one person requested any Nuclear War Survival Information. YOUR comment that sending for information would be like throwing money out the window, had the effect YOU wanted. Everyone will know too late what a fool they have been to listen to you. Thousands of lives mean nothing to you. You don't even value your own life enough to spend 15 minutes reading the information I have sent to you. Tens of thousands of your listeners will get just what they deserve, they will die in ignorance how to protect those they love. Even if we did another show, Not every listener of the past would be listening then.


HIS-story is full of people who would not listen to prophets, they mock God's warning, Given through HIS Prophets.


People say they believe the Bible BUT they don't read it, and won't listen to a prophet who does, SO they will soon have to die.


I didn't argue with you, because God doesn't argue with any of us. He just kills those who will not listen to him. People who are to smart to hear the prophets warning. Their main goal in life is to make money. SOME people say God will protect them without any effort on their part. Then WHY did God tell Noah to build the Ark?


WHY did he send messengers to warn Lot to flee Sodom? WHY DID MOSES tell everyone to stay inside while the angel of death passed over. WHY has he sent Prophets to warn in the past? BECAUSE only those who would listen would be saved! People WANT something for nothing, God doesn't help those who will not make any effort to help themselves. Thus saith the Parowan Prophet