Letter to Editor:
The spirit of the Lord is upon
me, because he hath anointed me to preach the acceptable year
of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God.
I say unto Zion that shall
have ashes and dust for beauty. Prepare thyself for vengeance
and desolation to shortly come. Hide thyself from the death in
the sky.
That thy marrow in thy bones shall not be taken. That
thy life shall perish with the wicked as I cleanse this
corrupt land. My coming is nigh and will burn the wicked tares
that are bound by traditions. They are now gathered and will
not repent so why wait till they corrupt their own seed.
My glory in fire will make dust of the dross; that my
chosen who prepare to live shall build up the desolate places.
They shall repair the waste cities, as my chosen people the
remnant are gathered from the world. I will tread down
the people in my anger, that they will forsake their lies. I
will redeem those that repent and live. I come with vengeance
and will save you. Seek me early, so that mercy cannot rob
justice. Thus saith the Lord.
Leland Freeborn 12/1/2016 Just GOOGLE my name.
Very Soon
Now on the
Internet November 18, 2016
About a one month to Prepare for WORLD WAR 3
War will kill 1/3 of humanity.
So you
can live if you prepare.
2/3 will live, so learn to live well. Learn what
necessary to live for
years after the
surprise attack to come
and see all of the things to
happen last days. A FEW kinds of Home Shelter Plans CLICK HERE
Luke 21:22-27 talks about the DAYS
OF VENGEANCE, the powers of
heaven shaken, the Son of man
coming in clouds.
"I am come to send FIRE on the
earth." Luke 12:49
this information to everyone
and save the lives of others.
2 Esdras 13 tells us:
(This was written thousands of
years ago)
"18 Now understand I the things that are laid up in the
latter days, which
shall happen unto them, and to those that are left behind.
Therefore are they come into great perils and many necessities, like as
dreams declare.
20 Yet is it
easier for
him that is in danger to come into these things, than to pass away as a
out of the world, and not to see the things that happen in
the last days.
And he answered unto me, and said,
The interpretation of the vision
shall I shew thee, and I will open
unto thee the thing that thou
hast required.
22 Whereas thou
spoken of them that are left behind, this is the interpretation:
23 He that shall endure the peril in that
time hath kept himself: they that be fallen into danger are such as
have works, and faith toward the
24 Know this therefore,
that they which be left behind are more blessed than they that be dead.
This is the meaning of the vision: Whereas thou sawest a man coming up
from the
midst of the sea: 26
same is he whom God the Highest hath
kept a great season, which by his own self shall deliver his
creature: and he shall order them
that are left behind.
27 And whereas thou sawest, that
of his mouth there came as a blast of wind, and fire, and storm;
28 And that he held neither sword, nor any
instrument of war, but that the rushing in of him destroyed
the whole multitude that came to
subdue him; this is the interpretation:
29 Behold, the days come, when the most
High will begin to deliver them that are upon the earth.
30 And he shall come to the
astonishment of them that dwell on the earth.
31 And one shall undertake to fight
against another, one city against
another, one place against another, one people against another, and one
realm against another.
32 And the time shall be when these things shall come to
pass, and the signs shall happen which I
shewed thee before, and then shall my
Son be declared, whom thou sawest as a
Esdras 13:18-32
Las Vegas and Nellis Air Force
Base is 73 miles and
hour 10 minutes from Mesquite, Nevada,
and 114 miles or 1 hour 50 minutes from St. George, Utah. Both of those places
get heavy Nuclear Bomb fallout
near Christmas time that can kill many of the people unless they are prepared. Cedar
City is two hours from targets hit to get fallout, so should many thousands of people have to
die because of ignorance and not knowing what to do.
When they can live because the bomb blast damage
is far away? Ignorance
is the killer when they can learn how to prepare. Fallout will
out 300 miles east and north.
Fallout radiation gamma rays are like tiny
deer rifle bullets, thousands of tiny bullets. You need
solid MASS all around you, 200 pounds per
square foot to absorb those tiny rays before they split the cells
in your body.
Just like X-rays, you cannot feel them pass
through you until you get sick later. That overloads your
blood with dead cells. Too
much radiation and you are doomed to die later. Get below ground, or most
inside room under a table with stuff on
top and around to absorb gamma rays. Distance from fallout outside. Use distance to your advantage and time for
fallout to decay or lose the power to kill.
Water for two weeks stay,
food, blankets, 10 rolls of toilet paper PER person.
Have salt stored so four
teaspoons per day and baking soda two
teaspoons PER day stored so
when you are sick and vomiting. Mix one quart water with one teaspoon salt
and half
teaspoon baking soda to replace body
electrolytes when vomiting, or you will die of dehydration. Sip water after you vomit. Radiation affects
your digestive system first.
Have one
gallon of
water per day 14 gallons PER Person; with some Jello, Tang,
Kool-Aid to
help with salty water taste. Five gallon
cans FULL of water, so when empty of water, line them with
garbage bags
for human waste. Pee
and dung into can. Fallout does not
discriminate, it kills everything alive. You must choose
to live or die of terrible sickness many days
later. If you die, who takes care of
the children?
Don't be selfish, just protecting them to live without you.
Some books, four 100-hour candles,
scriptures, note paper, guns, ammo, matches, washcloths, soap, baby
paper towels, deodorant, some change of clothes, patience and a new 14-day attitude. Millions
will be worse than you are.
least you know what to
do. It is NOT the end of the world, just
start of World War 3 for 42 more months. 100
million will die in USA, over 2 Billion on earth. Revelation
in the Bible
says 1/3 humanity will be killed with
fire! You are alive! Stay alive or see hell. Plan to live like 200 years ago.
Electomagnetic Pulse ?EMP? from Nuclear Bombs will take us
back 200
Cars won't run, no electricity, no doctors or
medical help. The dead are seeing
hell, you are alive. So is God, he said
this will happen. Read Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 and Matthew 4:4
Read the entire Bible in 70 hours.
The children
depend on adults to
protect them. This community has failed so a generation will die.
God is alive and will prove he can talk with a man.
evening Americans
will have spent two and a
half "BILLION" dollars on Halloween. That money could have bought "Potassium
Iodide" KI as a thyroid-blocking agent
to protect every child in America from Radioactive iodine
131 and 133 in ALL fallout; from attacking missiles near
Christmas. BUT because we do NOT obey God,
millions of people will be exposed to cancer in five years
"IF" they live that long. Your thyroid gland
in your neck controls body hormones. Blood passes through
that gland every 17 minutes. "IF"
your thyroid is not overloaded with good iodine
when you are exposed to "radioactive
iodine" in
ALL fallout your gland will absorb iodine from fallout and
be damaged. Children may not grow because of hormone
damage. Ask drug stores
for 130 milligrams of "Potassium
KI NOT "iodine" BUT "iodide" for 100
days "when fallout" begins. Teens and
adults 130 mg daily, 3-12 years half that or 65 mg daily.
One month to 3 years old get
32 mg daily. Birth to one month
get 16mg. daily. Pregnant and nursing mothers 130 mg. daily. WHY buy candy for Halloween instead of cancer and
hormone protection? You are NOT Foolish like your
leaders, are you?!
When you
have been warned and choose
to be sick for five months what will be your ex-cuse?
IF God has not sealed you in your forehead as he foretold then expect
to be
sick. Many "men" who lack courage will
have regrets they didn't protect their family and will commit suicide. People with "radiation sickness" may sweat,
drool, vomit, a thick tongue and diarrhea. Don't take
aspirin or ibuprofen for pain. They
contribute to other problems because your stomach and
intestines are already damaged from radiation
and bleeding internally. "Tylenol" for pain helps.
Not to exceed 3g per 24 hours.
9:4-6 "And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of
earth, neither any green thing, neither
any tree; but only those men which have 'not" the seal of God in their foreheads. 5 And to them it was
given that they should not kill them, but that they shouldbe
tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a
scorpion, when he striketh a man. 6
And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and
desire to die, and death shall flee from
In the Bible Isaiah 3 says
women rule and leaders cause thee to error?
Did he lie? It is true that traditions, and women
rule and insist on Christmas Holidays! Facts are facts. God
will kill people I have tried to save.
Even some of my own posterity
they follow their mothers traditions
they rebel against the truth.
Moms are responsible for letting their own children die because they will not
believe God.
4 "And there
shall be men (women) standing in that
generation, that shall not
pass until they shall see an overflowing
scourge; (fallout) for a desolating sickness shall cover the land. (for
hundreds of miles downwind of each nuke target.) But my disciples
stand in holy places, and shall not be
moved; but among the wicked, men shall lift up their voices and curse God and die." Doctrine and Covenants 45:31-32
imagine that women would have traditions matter more to them than their
childrens lives.
"Moreover the Lord saith, because the
daughters (women) of Zion (ZION?) are haughty, Therefore the Lord will
with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters "of
Zion," and the Lord will
discover their secret parts." Isaiah 3:16-17
Book of Mormon Helaman 7 tells: "Why God
forsakes people!" Because they harden their
hearts and will "NOT" listen to the good shepherd. "Yea, ye have provoked him to anger against
you that ye shall become meat for dogs and wild
beasts. Wo shall come unto you except ye shall repent. For if ye will NOT repent, behold
this great City,.shall be taken away."
AND when the Parowan Prophet foretells the death of millions,
and death by
fallout from Las Vegas covering cities
of Southern Utah, some people say I am crazy.
He will not show the wicked his strength, he will just
burn them, make
them puking sick with diarrhea, bring
infections, and dis-ease to the wicked who ignore his words.
Read all of
Helaman 7 and think of
Suppose you believe what God has said will
happen? If you
read what I show here then you can
When 100 rems of fallout is outside how will you know? 50
rems will cause changes in your blood made. Go
to Wal-Mart and order a NOAA= National Oceanic and
Administration Weather Radio for $20 and buy extra batteries. Take it home and wrap the box with aluminum
foil a couple layers, to protect from EMP.
you know the
fallout is coming then you can listen to Civil Defense Broadcasts
and know the daily dose rate of Fallout. Radio Shack also has NOAA Radio's and get one online also. But wrap it to protect it from EMP or it will get fried. And NOT work. NO SUPPLIES in shortage now. Stock up is
NOT Hoard-ing. It's preparing. Reassure the children. Fail to plan and you plan
to fail. No Power for a long time. Hand can openers.
Is teaching children to lie OK
because it is tradition? Trick or treat! Or is it better
be truthful and do a trick on the homes if they don't give a treat?
"Dis-honest parents teach children" that
it is OK to practice extortion. "Extortion"
(also called shakedown, outwresting
and exaction) "is a criminal offense" of obtaining money, property, or
from a person, entity, or institution,
through coercion. Give me a treat or I
will trick you. Give me your money or I will harm you. Spread your legs, woman, or I will hurt you. That's called
rape. Or robbery. Taking what is NOT
yours by right. Why are parents so dumb? Because of traditions that are wrong. Where are the 10 Commandments
in the Bible?
Do you know?
I think NOT!
#8 is "Thou
shalt NOT bear false witness." Is lying
OK? Trick or Treat. #10 is "Thou
NOT covet thy neighbors (anything!) House, candy, wife, car,
"anything." You "covetous" parents are the reason
USA gets nuked in December. You teach "extortion" to get what you
STOP IT! Oh it is all in fun you say.
You will see that ignoring God's commands is NOT
FUN Anymore!
are told NOT to play in the streets. Pets are taught NOT to get on the
furniture. Teachers are NOT able to
teach their students to read. God
says: "Thus saith the LORD, Learn NOT the way of the heathen!"
10:2-10 about heathens and Christmas
Trees, Psalm 96 and
97 about heathens
and WAR.
People do NOT believe what God
has spoken in the Bible. If you work
at some job at any company where you have a boss over you, "IF" you
to ignore their instructions the way
they want you to do things, "IF" you just do things the way that you want and will NOT listen to their
instructions about your job, they will
just "fire you" AND get somebody new
who will do as they say. Do we agree? WELL Look around at the people that God
is going "TO FIRE" with 11 million degrees of nukes, and the FALLOUT on
bodies. "And ye shall tread down the
wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of
hosts.'' Malachi 4:3 says people may walk on your ashes! Because
Parowan Prophet is NOT going to argue with God!
4 prophesied God would "smite" the earth because we have forgotten
our fathers of the 12 tribes of Israel. Malachi
said the proud and wicked
children and parents would be burnt up. I
say the proud wicked can't name all 12
tribes our fathers came from. Can you?
Malachi also said some people would walk on the ashes of wicked.
The Lord will bring the Nukes in December just
like he has said. You didn't hear it in your ears because he didn't speak to you; because you are deaf and
blind. And will just follow the
leaders to hell. That is what God says in Matthew 15:14
When the blind lead the blind.
Leaders care more about their own reputation THAN their followers lives.
Jesus said: "But those mine enemies,
which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay
before me." Luke 19:27 (He will watch MANY millions
"Can the blind lead the blind? Shall
they not both fall into the ditch," Luke 6:39
"And why call ye me Lord, Lord, and
do not the things which I say?" Luke 6:46
Peter said: "there shall come
in the last days scoffers." 2 Peter 3:3 "they are
will-ingly ignorant"
3:5 "and the earth which are now, by the same word are kept
in store, reserved unto
fire," 3:7
CAN you read? Do you do what you read?
am trying to save the peoples lives with FREE
Survival Information so search
the Parowan Prophet or my real name Leland Freeborn. If people get killed
they cannot repent, because it is too
people fear others opinions more than God and will NOT keep the laws of
commanded in Horeb,
the earth gets "smitten" and billions get killed.
3 tells: we say what "profit" is in keeping God's ordinances? The proud
wicked are happy. The proud
will not prepare for the nukes. Not build any shelters, or
get ready for fallout. They will buy Christmas gifts, and ignore
all my
3 tells: "And I will come near to you to judgment;" "For I
am the Lord, I change
NOT" "BUT who may abide the day of
his coming" 'And who shall stand when he appeareth' FOR
HE is like a refiner's FIRE" ' Can you stand
the wind of a Nuke? Distance
Overpressure Wind speed at 1.5 miles 24psi=600 mph. AND at 3 miles 9psi=250 mph. At 6
miles 3.2 psi=100
mph= ALL houses crushed? TO Rubble! at 10 miles 1.5 psi=50 mph at
miles=1.0 psi=40 mph Beyond 10 miles
houses may stand. 5 psi WILL break the eardrums of people. You can see that people within a few miles of the
hit are dead, OR have only a short while to suffer.
BUT, you can be protect yourself from fallout
and "R" radiation. Here in Southern Utah, we don't
have to worry about Blast Damage only about
By the second or third year of war
St. George will "Become a Target" because of the
population. But now we
just need shelters. A
one megaton hit
produces 1000 "R" PER hour at one hour after the hit. AND 450 "R" will kill
1/2 the people.
So out in Fallout 1/2 hour can kill
you. Seven hours
later, it
has decayed to 100 "R" PER hour on the
times that or 49 hours (2 days) later, it has decayed to 10 "R" PER
hour. Seven
times that 2 days or 2 weeks, it is down
to one "R" PER hour. THAT is called the 7/10 Rule (remember 7-11 stores.)
Cumulative doses add up in your body. Don?t get more than
25 "R" in one
day. 125 "R" in one week, 300 "R" in three
months, stay sheltered until it drops to
1/2 "R" PER hour. You can see that IF
you are out in "early fallout" just a short time you can get a deadly
Find and fix a shelter now OR be sick
until you and your loved ones die a horrible death.
"Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call
ye upon him while he is near: 7 Let the wicked
forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and
let him
return unto the Lord, and he will have
mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon." Isaiah
When the Fallout comes, the air is not
poisoned, just don?t breath in fallout "dust" A 50-cent
dust mask from a paint or hardware store does
the job just fine. Family emergency
PLAN: find a Basement "OR" the most interior room in your house. Electricity and water pressure will stop for
weeks. So store enough now. Shelter is your ticket to tomorrow. Find
the most "interior room or wall." Think of a light bulb turned on outside at
night, the
light travels hundreds of feet. You can see the light a block away. As
you get
closer it more light or powerful. The only thing that will STOP the
light is a solid
wall. Don't let anyone track or
carry fallout dust into your shelter on their shoes or clothes; sweep
clean.The human body puts off as much heat as a 100 watt light Bulb.
SO, soon
in crowded conditions heat will build up
in a few hours. You need air circulation of 10 cubic feet per person
per minute
TO carry
off carbon dioxide from breathing and body heat.
Use TV trays like fans
sweep air and keep moving, or people
with bed-sheets to scoop air like sails. In a sealed shelter, one
"cubic" yard of air is enough for "one"
hour for "one" person. BLUE lips and headache show a lack of
14 gallons of water PER Person for
two weeks in shelter. A can to Pee and dung into. Much
toilet paper. Have a HAND Can opener, Garden plastic 4
mill in roll, and Duct Tape to
cover the broken windows. Blankets, food, 100 hour Candles,
HOPE! Millions are
dead or sick and hurt, and you are ok.
God?s judgments are because we do not believe
what he said. Parents punish disobedient, unruly children.
Just like
service Christians? who are "hypocrites." Are you looking forward to
second coming? Are you watching?
Are you
ready for judgments upon the wicked? "Behold, HE Cometh with
"And ALL
kindreds of the EARTH SHALL WAIL be-cause of HIM." Revelation 1:7 What is Wailing?
"To Wail= Give a
cry of
pain, grief, or anger. Manifest or feel deep sorrow for;
lament. Howl, weep, cry, sob, moan, groan,
scream!" That is "wailing." Does that sound like fun
to you? Are
you looking forward to that when Christ comes again? Will you "really"
be glad
those "clouds" are killing the wicked across the land who have ignored
"Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and
prophets; for God hath avenged you on
her." Revelation 18:20 "For,
behold, the Lord will come with
fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger
with fury,
and his rebuke with flames of fire. For by fire and by his sword will
the Lord plead with all flesh: and the
slain of
the Lord shall be many. They that sanctify themselves,
and purify themselves in the gardens behind
one tree in the midst, eating swine?s flesh? Isaiah
Do you eat Pork? Bacon? Ham? Sausage? Pork Chops?
YE the word of the Lord, O house of Jacob, AND ALL THE Families OF the
of Israel: (White tribes of Israel =
Caucasians) Thus saith the Lord,
INIQUITY have your fathers (of the 12 tribes) found in me, THAT THEY are gone FAR FROM ME, AND have walked
after vanity, AND are become VAIN."
Jeremiah 2:4-5
"FOR the customs of
the people ARE VAIN; for one cutteth A TREE out of the forest, (FOR
Jeremiah 10:3
The USA will celebrate ?Christ-Mass? like Catholics
do with
TREES, Christmas HAMS (Pork= Swine?s
flesh). "A people THAT PROVOKETH ME TO ANGER continually to my face; ?
EAT SWINE?S FLESH, (Pork) Isaiah
"Therefore will I (GOD)
you to the sword, and ye shall all bow down to the slaughter: because when I called, ye did not answer;
when I (GOD) spake, ye did not hear; but
did evil before mine eyes, and did choose that wherein I delighted not.Therefore
thus saith the Lord God, Behold, my
servants shall eat, but ye shall be hungry: behold, my servants shall drink, but ye shall be thirsty: behold,
my servants shall rejoice, but ye shall be ashamed" Isaiah 65:12-13
one like the son of man came WITH THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN." Daniel 7:13 Reader have you read enough to know that
those "Clouds" are of Nuclear Fallout" so what
does Isaiah say: "Behold, my
servants shall sing for joy of heart, but ye shall cry for sorrow of
and shall howl for vexation of spirit. And ye shall leave your name
for a
curse unto my chosen: for the Lord God shall slay thee, and call
servants by another name:
That he who blesseth himself "in
the earth shall bless himself" in the God of truth; and he
that sweareth in the earth shall swear
by the God of truth; because the former troubles are forgotten, and
they are hid from mine eyes. For, behold, I create new heavens and a
new earth:
and the former shall not be remembered,
nor come into mind. But be ye glad and rejoice for ever in
that which I
create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a
rejoicing, and her people a joy." Isaiah 65:14-18 So will you heed my warning and find
shelter "in the earth" shall bless himself"
AND those you care about, or let them
die? http://www.parowanprophet.com/Monthly_Flyer/shelter_and_plans.htm CLICK HERE
MUCH FREE Survival Information CLICK HERE
This is NOT an
easy, fun task to tell Zion people they need to loose
thyself from the bands of traditions and
shake the dust of
their lazy butts and build shelters. I am afraid they will
ignore what has been foretold and have
eternal regrets.
As often said: "you can lead a horse to
water, but you can't make him drink" I show
people the truth, BUT I can't make them
think. Don't
look at the fireball, people 30 miles
away CAN be blinded. The mushroom cloud
will rise to 80,000 feet (16 miles) and be 25 to 30 miles round in 10 minutes. Fallout begins, 15 minutes very
deadly so you have little time to prepare. WHEN, the
flash of light begins "FALL" flat to the
ground, the human body can stand 8 times more force
laying flat than standing. While laying flat
count out loud to 200 before you get up.
If the BLAST wave does not hit you by 200, then get up and look for shelter quick with
water for two weeks. A bomb
with "surface" hit like Nellis AFB
at Las Vegas, then the dirt, steel, concrete, etc.
will vaporize into 300 radioactive elements
very deadly to fallout of the sky downwind when
they cool .
A "ONE" Megaton ?Hole? in earth, will be 1/3
mile across and as deep as a 10 story building.
About 40+ acres. About 80% of the stuff from that hole
will fall out of the sky within 24 hours WITHIN
hundreds of miles away, Saint George is 114 miles away and will get
in about 1+ hour, depending on winds at
40,000 feet in the Jet stream. Remember,
we are only talking about a "one
megaton" bomb. Bomb Blast overpressure of 2 Pounds PER square inch (psi) will crush a house. No Southern Utah houses will
be crushed but windows will be broken. WHY don't leaders believe?
Do You? Shelter is
your ticket to the future. Think where you can
get so someone cannot shoot you WITH a deer rifle.
Radiation "R" is just
like deer rifle bullets. The only thing
that will stop them is "mass." You need 200 pounds of "mass PER" square
foot between you and the "R"
fallout. Examples: 1 foot thick
concrete- even overhead, OR 2 feet of packed earth. You
need to un-learn all the foolish stories you have heard over
the past years. I'm telling you simple truth,
you can survive "if" you prepare.
You CAN estimate
the bomb size from
the flash time if you are miles away. The 1/2 megaton
flash 15 seconds,
1 megaton flash 22 seconds,
2 megaton flash 28 seconds, 5
megaton flash 40 seconds, 10 megaton
flash 55 seconds,
20 megaton flash 70 seconds.
AS a bomb increases ten fold
larger, the damage doubles. A 10 mega just
doubles the damage of one mega,
you can see there will be a lot of 1 mega hits. Thousands! A
10 mega hole is almost a mile across and 20 stories deep.
That is a BIG "radioactive hole," and ALL
that earth will rise in the Mushroom cloud and begin to FALLOUT in 15
Many millions will die from fallout when they could be safe with
preparation. The average household spent
over $800 per household for Christmas in the past. That can save a family building a home shelter. The
further East the Fallout goes, it will overlap with
other Fallout so the Entire East Coast is a
huge death zone. My site has Government Fallout
predictions that show the patterns. CLICK HERE
Just ONE Funeral
cost average
$7000 so make shelter or pay for
Funerals. Not enough Caskets!
Here in Utah
we have "Zion" everything. Zion Park, Bank, Motel, Floral, Pies,
Insurance, Cafe, Gas, People.
"Awake, awake; put on thy strength, "O Zion";
put on thy beautiful garments,
O Jerusalem, the holy city: for
henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the
unclean. 2 Shake thyself from the dust;
arise, and sit down,
O Jerusalem: loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, "O captive daughter of Zion" 3 For thus saith the Lord, Ye have sold
yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money."
52: 1-3
people have been sold for nothing,
BUT if they will shake themselves from the dust
and realize God is in control and obey what the scriptures
tell, the
people can be redeemed and the
price is obedience to God's
Would you like a fresh start? Then
repent and be baptized again like
Joseph, Brigham, and thousands of others did in early church history.
The Mormon Church has been changing the ordinances for
many years. Many
will remember the big Temple changes in
the 70s-80s-90s
IF we
shake the dust off our feet and work the next month, thousands
could be saved!
The day after
the Attack on America
9/11 /2001 from the terrorists, I spoke to the Iron County Sheriff Dude Benson
and asked him on behalf of the 34,000 county residents here to have a
course for our County Radiological Civil Defense people. Iron County
has 3,300
square miles, so we only have about 10 people per square mile total.
I'll let
you know what happens. I said we need to do it before the Christmas
lights go
up in December and the snow comes. That's what my visions tell me. I
told him
after mid December we would get attacked by the Red Russians. The wolf
devour millions of people in the USA. Why not save our Iron County
residents? He
said to me: "I want to be the first to die." I told him right then
that: "you
are a lying hypocrite, that you will be scrambling your ass to hide
just like
everyone else."
He agreed and
said I probably was
right. Then we talked about the time it will take for fall-out to get to
Not enough time to
save people who don't get prepared ahead of the time those missiles
and bombs hit the
USA. Realize that
because of the Attack
on America on 9/11, we have become a Nation of people united in
response to fight back.
What has happened now is that Russia will realize that they cannot just
have a very limited
strike on several Cities and scare the American people into submission.
They will
realize they "Must" use
all of their weapons as fast as they can because they have to destroy as
much of USA as
possible. Because the
people will really
fight. A small blow will only make us mad. Expect an
all-out huge attack near
Christmas, hundreds of USA Cities will get hit in just one night.
And near
100 million people
will be dead in a month or so. Those who are not killed at the time the
bombs hit will get
radiation doses at various degrees in the fallout. Millions more will die in
the coming months,
following the first attack. The War itself will last for a few years. And
many millions more
will die.
Mormon 2:14 and
Mormon 8:38 and
Mormon 9:9 and Moroni 8:18 and Doctrine and Covenants 112: 23-26
and Doctrine and
Covenants 64: 38-40 The BEST
survival tool you have is
your brain, So use it well.

in a basement corner. Cost wood lumber
$153 and Bags $94 + Hard Labor 10 1/2 hours
2 men = 21 total.. Dirt IS FREE. Now a family of 4 is safe. This will STOP
Deer Rifle Bullets.
OR Gamma Rays in the Fallout, that falls on the roof of his home.

X 8 = 32 square space to live and sleep. 4 feet high. Until it is safe.
What is
a family worth?
water and food at entrance, get it in seconds. Gamma Rays don't hurt
food or
living, breathing people. Yard DIRT, 130 bags from by the garden.
Across from
me is the
By the concrets wall in the corner. Stand up going in. The
household spends
$854 on Christmas
Nothing for protection. This Shelter cost was
$247 AND a Funeral
is $6839
I don't want WAR with China or Russia, I think it is better if we can TRADE with China and Russia.
BUT we in the USA have NOT obeyed God's words in the Bible to set an example of how to live.
SO God will punish the USA and BURN enough people so we change out minds and learn HOW TO READ.
Read about who we are and about HIS-story. CLICK HERE