Most people would rather die with their posterity than know the truth, and change their traditions. Click - View - Fonts- Text size - Larger Passover Instructions 2000-2001-2002-2003-2004-2005-2006- 2007-2008-2009-2010-2011-2012-2013-2014-2015-2016 -- 2017-2018-2019 Do you want the "Fallout" to kill you? OR Passover? New Moon night 4/6/19 SO: Friday April 19, 2019 Sunset @ 8:11 pm Parowan, Utah time. Begins the Passover season. TRUE Sabbath till April 2020 will be Friday Sundown till Saturday Sundown, or the DAY time of Saturday. Absolutely correct Sundown Friday begins evening of the 14th. day. Perhaps the earth Sabbath will begin then. ![]() on the 14th. day at evening. 2019 is STILL a part of for ever. God's day begins at evening see: "5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day." Genesis 1:5 When I started the count to Passover HIT View Text size larger I have received requests for information as to how to keep the Passover in this modern day. So I will relate some information. Jesus said: "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. 17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. (All is not fulfilled yet. Heaven and Earth are still here, and so is the law of God, every little tiny bit of it, every jot and tittle.) 19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. (Whosoever therefore means your leaders are in trouble. So do you want to argue with God? Now stop and really think about this. Jesus was and is aware of everything, did he NOT know that people would abandon the commandments of God? That Christian leaders in the last days would say there is NO reason for passover.) 20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:16-20 (Like the Church leaders today who can't enter.) Now read in your own Bible about the
Passover "Forever" in Exodus
Chapter 12: only 51 verses. And
Deuteronomy 16: only 22 verses. Just 73
verses to see if you want to
live, My altar where I have killed lambs in the
past is unhewn stone as Exodus 20:25 tells us. I
realize that some Church leaders say it's
not necessary today. But even Jesus said to beware of the doctrine of
the hypocrites. Matthew 16:3- "And in the morning, It will be foul weather
to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the
sky; but can ye
not discern the signs of the times? The Moon RISE here in Parowan Utah will be at 8:41 pm. FULL MOON Because a "FULL" Moon to have the Lord's Supper. Then have the roasted lamb and "Passover" Feast as was done in Moses time. Read Exodus 12 and 13 about it. Exodus 12 tells WHEN TO START THE YEAR. WHEN GOD STARTS THE YEAR. How can we miss what is said? Get bitter herbs as Exodus 12 tells, lettuce, celery, and I put in some cucumber, carrots, beets, and tomato, which are not forbidden. With some vinegar and oil and wine, make a dressing. Have a good salad. It's a feast. Taste the greens and cucumber skin without dressing and they are bitter as scripture says. We use "Mogen David" RED Grape Wine. About $11 per 1.5 Liters here in Utah. (Year 2000 the Wine was $3.75 PER 1.5 Liter) Everyone should have a full glass of 5 ounces or more; this is not just a sip. Drink it with the supper. Keep the Passover so it's not your last supper. RED Wine like Christ's blood shed for YOUR SINS! The wine represents the blood of Christ for you. Matthew 26:27-28 Read it so you know. Also see for sure 1 Corinthians 11:23-30 Have some Leeks, onions, and garlic, Numbers 11: 5; and don't complain. I steam them for 15 minutes. Really Great! The average person in the USA eats 19 # of onions per year and 9# of cucumbers and pickles per year. One year WHEN I WAS FARMING I grew 800 tons of cucumbers for pickles. 40 BIG Highway Truck loads. I also grew Tomatoes, thousands of tons that make a feast salad great. CLICK HERE to see Truckload of Tomatoes above the melon photo. Make the unleavened bread like normal; BUT without yeast. Don't get so puffed up yourself. Fry it like a pancake. One year I was about 1000 miles from home up in Montana, and went and paid a McDonalds to fry it for me. See when is your Moonrise: God's Day begins at Sundown -Genesis 1:5; not at midnight! The Passover 'Day' is the 14th. day of the 1st. month from the 'New Moon. Exodus 12 Then begin a meeting with a Hymn, prayer, talks to remember why we keep the Passover. Appoint different readers for the Scripture readings. Have people who won't skip words they don't like. Start with some Scripture readings and then a blessing on the meal. As you eat someone reads out loud. Eat with your shoes on ready to flee, and pray that where you hide that the fallout of death will Passover you and not kill you. Realize the sacrifice Jesus made for each of us. Revelation 13:8 The Lamb of God. Let death of "Fallout"--"Passover" you. Keep all of the commandments. Absolutely read Isaiah 28 about the fallout you want to "Passover" you and leave you alive. As we are eating read Deuteronomy 16 about when we are commanded to meet again. Discuss the reasons for God's feasts, and seasons spoken of in Leviticus 23 Read it also if desired. See Revelation 15:1-3 See Deuteronomy 30:15-20; and 31:all verse 29 for sure. Some sins are of ignorance as Leviticus 4:2 tells. But sins of ignorance are no excuse as it says. They are still sins. Read Psalm 105 and 106 also. I have done my best to understand what is commanded, though I may still have some sin of ignorance to repent of. I try, do you? See these: God knew about Cholesterol in meat FAT, see Leviticus 7:23 Leviticus 23 tells of the feasts commanded by the Lord God of the Universe. Do you want to make him any madder? Why not repent, and change? Leviticus 26 tells us why war will kill millions. Also Deuteronomy 28 gives more details. 1 Corinthians 11 all very carefully. Note verse 26 John 6:35 The bread of life. If you want to live. Leviticus 2:4, 5 How to make bread offering. Romans 11:25-26 Why you are blind. 1 John 2:17 How to live forever. Acts 3:17-23 All to be restored; Hear the Prophet Doctrine and Covenants 45:56-57 How to escape the fire. Matthew 25:1-13 Story of 10 foolish virgins, and one poor man. Think about it! I could give a hundred more, but would you make the effort. Just sit on your lazy butts and make no effort to see all these scriptures and you will have no excuse; why he should not burn you up. You don't seem to believe God's wrath on the sinners. Mark them in red or yellow in your Bible. So you can find them easy in the future. Start a list of scriptures. IF you missed the Passover the 1st. time then CLICK HERE to see that God wants you to live and not die. Proof What does it mean? CLICK HERE Most people who 'say' with their lips that they believe the Bible ignore what God has commanded. Instead they celebrate Easter Sunday with colored eggs, and ancient fertility rites named after Ishtar the wife of Baal. CLICK HERE Christ was in the tomb on Wednesday night, Thursday night, and Friday night. His 3 days and 3 nights just like he foretold ended Saturday evening just at sundown. "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." Matthew 12:37-40 Now I suppose that you are a thinking person. So tell me how anyone "thinking" can get 3 nights in the heart of the earth, from Friday afternoon until Sunday morning when people say the resurrection happened? That is just one day. And ! I can just count 2 nights; Friday and Saturday nights. Traditions are stupid wrong! Actually Jesus was crucified then died on a Wednesday afternoon. Thursday was day 1. Friday was day 2. Saturday day 3. I honor Christ's resurrection on the correct time, after 3 days AND 3 nights in the earth. God has shown the resurrection of nature in the spring of the year with new flowers and life. We need to understand the resurrection is deliverance from death. As the new life of spring demonstrates. Remember at the 1st. Passover when Moses led the House of Israel out of Egypt. After 5 days the Egyptian army caught up with them them and they were condemned to perish. Then Moses stood up and the Sea's (waters) parted to deliver them. CLICK HERE to see what really happened. So also you need to inter into the waters (baptism) if you want to be delivered from death. Open your eyes, and begin again. In 50 days you need to keep the 'Feast of Weeks' or what is called Pentecost. Read Leviticus 23:15 about the Feast. And Acts 2 as you now live in the last days that were foretold by Joel. Will you live through the blood, fire, and smoke? That is why you are here at my web site, huh? CLICK HERE to see some of the fire. Dakota and Romeo. In Deuteronomy 16 all those 22 verses tell you to keep the Passover. To keep the Feast of Weeks. To keep the Feast of Tabernacles. And not set up a 'May Pole' like the heathen nations do. They will still do it today, on May 1st. Do you want God to ignore your prayers just like you have ignored his commandments. You may get what you have sown. Verse 20 says: " That which is altogether just shalt thou follow, that thou mayest live, and inherit the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee." Deuteronomy 16: 20 Now See Matthew 13 yourself if you want to live.