Up-date 12/13/03 Some winter evening soon when the "Power" goes off you will know why. The attack has started!

What will it mean for you? EVERY Nuclear explosion creates EMP, on the surface of the earth OR a high altitude burst. Every bomb makes EMP.

So that means you can’t hide from it. It will NOT hurt the human body, but the effects will cause great hardship for millions. EMP creates 50,000 volts of charge PER meter. About the same as a yard. That charge will "FRY" all the computer chips in things not protected. The largest radio stations at 50,000 watts, only produce about 10 volts per meter. Cars with ignition chips won’t run. Your PC System will be damaged, "unless" you do the things to protect it.   I will explain how in a minute. The entire power grid in the USA will be damaged from a very high Nuclear Bomb somewhere over the central USA. A very high bomb (about 200 miles high) its sole purpose is to wipe out the power grid and communications coast to coast. Radios, TV, computers, any thing built in the past couple of decades will probably not work. There will be some exceptions. When atom bomb tests were done in the South Pacific during the 1950’s the EMP damaged stuff in Hawaii about 800 miles away. And those were low surface bursts.

Most of the EMP energy lies in the "radio frequency spectrum" ranging from power lines to radar systems, AND everything in between, which means all kinds of computer chips.

EMP happens to fast for a lightening pole or rod arrestors, to protect the equipment. Though it is faster than lightening, it does the same kind of damage to electrical grids, small OR large. It just melts the circuit.

Typical collectors of EMP are long wire runs. Antennas, telephone lines, power lines, barbed wire fences, sprinkler lines, metal buildings, buried metal pipes, railroad tracks, great amounts of metal objects. Even the mass of electrical wiring in your own home will collect the EMP. The metal pipes in your home plumbing for water will collect EMP. In some rare cases just unplugging a radio or TV "MAY" be enough to protect it. USUALLY NOT! NOT! !

The radiated electromagnetic fields from a high altitude nuclear detonation are probably going to do the first damage coast to coast. The first 1st. Sign of the attack will be the power failure, everywhere. You won’t even get emergency broadcasts. SO unless you have read my information you won't even know what is happening UNTIL it is too late, and you begin to see the flashes of light from the nuclear detonations. The only way to protect your computer is to enclose it entirely within "a metal" box that is large enough to encase it "with no exposed openings." I bought a metal trashcan and put cardboard two layers thick in the bottom and around the inside. With the metal LID put on it I do have a place to put the things with "chips" that I need to protect. Quickly some winter evening "after" MID December, as I watch the signs of the times, I will not let the sun go down unless I put My Laptop Computer, Short-wave Radio, CD player, and a few other things in that "metal" trashcan. WITH the lid put on. NO wires can hang out or protrude out of the can. And the lid must be down tight, to protect the stuff inside. After the attack begins and I am sheltered, then I can still have some music, listen to my battery short-wave radio, that will have international broadcasts, and with my power inverter I can use my 12-Volt car battery to run my Laptop. Snug as a bug in a rug. I have purposely avoided having a car with an electronic ignition system. I am not very cool or  fashionable, BUT my car will still run when millions won’t.   So that you can have some chance to hear some radio broadcasts WHEN a few stations do get back on the airwaves, you should buy a small hand held radio and extra batteries. They are "small" enough that they can survive EMP. AM 640 and AM 1240 will be the first emergency frequencies to operate Just to be sure it will work, keep it wrapped in aluminum foil when you are NOT listening to the radio.

You can put your $15 or $20 radio in a coat pocket, and listen around "noon" each day to the emergency broadcasts. Just think of the Nation without any power. Traffic lights go out, elevators stop, cars quit running, telephones go dead, gas pumps won’t work for weeks. Looters begin to scavenge anything, and everything. City water pressure pumps are shutdown for months. Thirst will force some people to melt snow with fallout in it, and they will just poison their own insides with a deadly dose of radiation. The functional damage burnout, of chips that control everything today will put us back into the last century. EMP will wipe out the memory of most computers, OR at the least scramble it into a gazillion bits of birthday  funeral TV walks glass horsehair flights a hundred and fifty eleven times dung.

What more can I say than get prepared.

What more can I say than get prepared.

Bless you please believe.