Bryce Canyon is 1 1/2 hour beautiful drive over the top of the mountain to the east of
Parowan. You may see Deer, Elk, a Marmot, or any other game as you drive over to Bryce.
Utah is a lot of valleys, with high mountains between. As I said on the other photo that
Brian Head is just 13 miles from home. The Peak is 11,307 feet high. Saint George 75 miles
south is the lowest point in Utah at 2880 feet. The Uinta Mountain Range
has more than 30 peaks that are over 12,000 feet high. More than 1000 Lakes with fish, and
the ONLY mountain range in the USA that runs East and West. The highest peak in Utah
is Kings Peak at 13,528 feet. The highest Mountain in the Continental USA is only 967 feet
higher, and that is Mount Whitney in California, at the elevation of 14,495 feet, about 10
miles West of Lone Pine California where I spent some time as a boy. Growing up I went
back into the Sierra's; High country with horses and 3 or 4 mules in a pack train each
summer. After I married, my wife and I back-packed up to very high Glacial Lakes.Some were
still frozen in June.
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