WHO LOST THE BLESSING? http://www.parowanprophet.com/excommunicate.htm#PEACE JESUS SAID NOT TO
WORRY: "Nevertheless AMONG THE CHIEF RULERS ALSO MANY BELIEVED on him; BUT because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, LEST THEY SHOULD BE PUT OUT OF THE SYNAGOGUE: FOR THEY LOVED THE PRAISE OF MEN MORE THAN the praise of God." (John 12:42-43) President John Taylor said: "You cannot take ANY man's priesthood AWAY without transgression." (Times & Seasons 6: 922) "Behold, THERE ARE MANY CALLED, BUT FEW ARE CHOSEN. AND WHY ARE THEY NOT CHOSEN? BECAUSE their hearts are set so much upon the things of this world, AND ASPIRE TO THE HONORS OF MEN, that they do NOT LEARN THIS ONE LESSON. - THAT THE RIGHTS OF THE PRIESTHOOD ARE IN-SEPARATELY CONNECTED TO THE POWERS OF HEAVEN, and that the powers of heaven cannot he controlled NOR handled only upon the principles of righteousness." (Doctrine and Covenants 121: 34-36) "No Endowments or blessings in the house of the lord, (temple) no patriarchal blessings, NO ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD, CAN BE TAKEN AWAY, ONCE GIVEN." (Joseph F. Smith; Improvement Era 11:466) "Persons sometime say that they have enjoyed the spirit of the work as much since they were cut off as while they we re in the church. HAVE THEY enjoyed the spirit? YES. Why? SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY WERE WRONGFULLY CUT OFF. I have heard of a man who was cut off BECAUSE HE WOULD NOT BELIEVE THAT ADAM WAS OUR FATHER AND GOD. Well, BUT WAS lT NOT SO? (Millennial Star 24:99) See my flyer about Adam; March 1982, with the remarks of Spencer W. Kimball the Mormon Church President, where he argues with the scriptures and former church presidents, including Joseph Smith. Click here to See the Link about Adam. Jesus himself was cast out of the temple, in fact they even hung him on a cross. SO, who really lost the blessings? The fools who cast him out. President George Q. Cannon: "God our Heavenly Father designs that all who will observe truth and righteousness should possess WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING FOR THEMSELVES. In other systems the design is to keep the people down in ignorance and darkness...BUT this is NOT THE GENIUS OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD." (Journal of Discourses 12:46) "And YE SHALL BE HATED OF ALL MEN for my name's sake: BUT he that endureth to the end SHALL BE SAVED." (Matthew 10:22) Brigham Young: "ONLY truth and those who are sanctified by it can dwell in celestial glory. This truth we have, and we offer it…everyone fulfilling the duties of his or her calling according to the Priesthood and capacity bestowed upon you, you would be filled WITH THE HOLY GHOST, and it would be as impossible for any man to deceive and lead you to destruction…. I may not be able to convince of this fact, but I can tell you that it is true." (Journal of Discourses 7:277) So WHAT would happen to the church, if, (IF) the membership does NOT do their duty? Brigham Young: "I feel
today as I did in Nauvoo, when Sidney Rigdon and others
intended to ride the Church into hell. I told
them that I would take my hat AND THE FEW
that would go with me AND BUILD UP THE KINGDOM OF
GOD, asking no odds of them. The Lord Almighty leads this
Church, and will never suffer you to be led astray IF (IF) you are
found doing your duty." (If, you don't do your duty, and watch
carefully, you shall perish with the wicked." (Journal of Discourses
9:289) (1867) "If (IF) we in our experience, have not yet proved yet the truth of the words of the Prophet -"CURSED IS HE THAT TRUSTETH IN MAN, or maketh flesh his arm' - PROBABLY WE WILL DO IF WE LIVE LONG ENOUGH. There is a curse attending every man and woman who does this. WE MUST ALL LEARN to depend upon God and UPON HIM ALONE." (George Q. Cannon, Journal of Discourses 12:45) Brigham
Young: "If a Bishop OR ANY OTHER
OFFICER IN THIS CHURCH shall counsel the people to violate
(Journal of Discourses 12: 164)
Heber C. Kimball: "You cannot lead a person astray UNLESS that person is willing to be led astray; a man could not be persuaded to lie unless he was inclined to lie. (Journal of Discourses 12: 189-190) Joseph F. Smith (6th
President of the Church): "You MUST BE OBEDIENT.
Obedience IS THE FIRST LAW OF HEAVEN. Without it the
elements could not be controlled. It is said in the scriptures that
all things are possible with God; BU'I' he only works in accordance with
the principles BY WHICH HE HIMSELF IS GOVERNED; and hence he cannot
convince nations of the truth against their will. "That is the way that
God deals with man, therefore I say, he
and made themselves supreme. "THERE HAS BEEN A GROWTH
OF WRONG DOING IN MANY QUARTERS that has been most painful to all those
who have the welfare of the Saints of God at heart, AND who desire the
prosperity of Zion. The next breath he said:
"I NEVER, in my recollection, or in reading the
history of the Church HAVE SEEN A TIME nor heard of a time WHEN THE ADVERSARY OF GOD'S
destroy the work of God, than
he is at the present time." (5 years
before the "Manifesto", Journal of Discourses 26:139) D & C 98:11-15 The Lord says that he will PROVE HIS PEOPLE to see "IF they will obey HIM D & C 63:63 The "Church" must repent OR be "cut off." D & C 84:49~58 "The Whole Church under condemnation."- Means the individuals. " The Savior, the Apostles, Joseph Smith, and the Latter Day Elders, when offering this system to the people, told them clearly and emphatically, THAT IT REQUIRES SACRIFICES of the most serious character- THAT IT WOULD BRING PERSECUTIONS, change our warmest friends into bitter AND relentless enemies." (Lorenzo Snow, Journal of Discourses 26: 375-376) SALT LAKE CITY (UPI) - PRESIDENT KIMBALL'S CHRISTMAS
"Mormon Church President Spencer W. Kimball has
condemned "threatening nuclear WEAPONRY" in a special Christmas
message issued just one day after the Air Force described
the impact of the massive MX missile system on Utah and other western
with their teeth, AND CRY,
PEACE; and he (God) that putteth NOT into their
mouths, THEY even prepare war against
him." (Micah 3:
5) Esau Esau "RED" The Bible says: "The Lord hath sworn that THE LORD WILL HAVE WAR WITH AMALEK from GENERATION TO GENERATION." (Exodus 17:16) "AMALEK" was the grandson of Esau, the brother of Jacob, see Genesis 36:1-12. Genesis 25:25 says: "And the first came out RED, all over like AN HAIRY GARMENT; and they called his name ESAU." Then Jacob was born. God "changed" Jacob's name to "Israel" (see Genesis 32:28) ESAU - "EDOM" means "RED", see
25:30 and "Strong's Bible Concordance." They were the ancient Babylonians
and are TODAY'S
Lord really said: I WILL HAVE WAR WITH "THE
REDS" Also see "Strong's for "HAIRY". Genesis 25:25, it comes
from the Hebrew ROOT WORD "SAAR" which means "he horribly afraid, fear,
hurl as a storm, be tempestuous, come like take away as with a
whirlwind." |