A Special Group of People Predicted
THIS SMALL GROUP, according to prophecy, WILL COME OUT OF THE "HEARTS C0RE" OF THE LATTER-DAY SAINTS (Or be cast out), and will help keep the fires of faith burning in the hearts of the honest. Leaders of the Priesthood clearly indicate a quite general apostasy from much of the Gospel among the Saints in the "Mountains," and that the Lord will carry on His work with a few who will remain faithful to their covenants, and who will be willing to "carry on" in the face of fierce opposition both from within and out; "FOR," said the Lord (D&C 100:16-17), "I WILL RAISE UP UNTO MYSELF A PURE PEOPLE THAT WILL SERVE ME IN RIGHTEOUSNESS, AND ALL THAT CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS SHALL BE SAVED. Even so. Amen." To some of the Saints the mere mention of the Church being out of order ( see D&C 90:16) ---that the body of Saints are straying from the truths established under the leadership of Joseph Smith the Prophet---is sacrilege or extreme apostasy. It is strange that men and women professing intelligence, and know the history of former-day Saints in their periodical wanderings from the basic truths of the Gospel, cannot in this day discern a like tendency. The scriptures are filled with examples of "falling away." In fact the Saints today are much as they were after the crucifixion of the Savior. After a hundred years had elapsed, the populace who had seen the Savior and heard his teachings, there was no one then alive at that time. Even the men who had worked with him were dead, with one exception, that of John the Revelator who was translated. In this condition the Saints strayed off and those not persecuted unto death, imbibed all kinds of ideas not in consonance with the spirit of the Gospel. Johns message to the seven surviving churches was a sad recital of their "falling away" from the Gospel as originally taught. The Nephites experienced like changes, and so the Saints today are straying off into various channels of sectarian and traditional folly. Joseph Smith is gone. There are none left who knew him. There are none that have intimate knowledge of his immediate successors Brigham Young and John Taylor. While in mortal life the Prophet's views were fixed and certain, but in the lapse of the few years since his death, his teachings are being forgotten and views more in keeping with the times, and more in harmony with the spirit of the world, are being adopted. Sectarianism is insinuating its poison into the flock, and the sheep of the Lord are being scattered. Such a condition is regarded as inevitable under present environments. Cause and effect unerringly repeated Paul saw the present day. He said: "Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come except THERE COME A FALLING AWAY FIRST, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of Perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the TEMPLE of God; showing himself that he is God." (II Thessalonians 2:3-4) (Paul said it, did he not?) "For men shall be lovers of their own selves, (queers) covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affections, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof; from such turn away." (2 Tim. 3:2-5) No doubt we are living in a day when these events are beginning to be manifested, Lucifer's designs are being accomplished, and THE HEARTS OF THE SAINTS ARE BEING CHANGED AND THEY ARE WANDERING FROM THEIR TRUE SHEPHERD. The SERVANTS OF THE LORD have REPEATEDLY WARNED THE CHURCH of this approaching calamity, making it clear that but few would remain steadfast in their faith. It became a common topic in the Church in early days. Brigham Young hinted at the situation in this language; "The Lord Almighty will not suffer His Priesthood to be again driven from the earth, even should He permit the wicked to kill and destroy this people. God will preserve A PORTION OF THIS PEOPLE, of the MEEK and THE HUMBLE, to BEAR OFF THE KINGDOM TO THE INHABITANTS OF THE EARTH and will defend His Priesthood; for it is the last time, the last gathering time." Contributor 10:362 And so you ask, what is the Contributor? President John Taylor said in 1881: "And the CONTRIBUTOR, which I believe is the organ of the MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION (MIA), IS AN EXCELLENT PERIODICAL; and the young people ought to avail themselves of its pages by subscribing for it, which no doubt is being done generally." (Journal of Discourses 22: 316) Brigham Young said: "OUT OF THIS CHURCH WILL GROW THE KINGDOM which Daniel saw. This is the very people that Daniel saw would continue to grow and spread and prosper; and IF WE ARE NOT FAITHFUL, OTHERS WILL TAKE OUR places: for this is the Church and people that will possess the Kingdom forever and ever. Shall we do this in our present condition as a people? No, for we must be pure and holy, and be prepared for the presence of our Savior and God in order to possess the Kingdom. Selfishness, wickedness, bickering, tattling, lying and dishonesty must depart from the people before they are prepared for the Savior. We must sanctify ourselves before God. (Journal of Discourses 8:143-144) March 9, 1873, Apostle Orson Pratt, speaking in the 16th Ward, Salt Lake City, on the subject of "Consecration," made the following Observations: "This is plain preaching, and perhaps some of you will not like it. I cannot help it; these are the things that present themselves before my mind. THERE MUST BE A REFORMATION. THERE WILL BE A REFORMATION AMONG THIS PEOPLE. For God will not cast off this Kingdom and this people. He will plead with those in high places. He will plead with the Priesthood of this Church, until Zion shall become clean before him. "I DO NOT KNOW BUT THAT IT WOULD BE AN UTTER IMPOSSIBILITY TO COMMENCE AND CARRY OUT SOME PRINCIPLES PERTAINING TO ZION RIGHT IN THE MIDST OF THIS PEOPLE. THEY HAVE STRAYED SO FAR THAT TO GET A PEOPLE WHO WOULD CONFORM TO HEAVENLY LAWS, IT MAY BE NEEDFUL TO LEAD SOME FROM THE MIDST OF THIS PEOPLE AND COMMENCE ANEW SOMEWHERE IN THE REGIONS ROUND ABOUT IN THESE MOUNTAINS. Photo's of God's Country. Ask this people if they are willing to ABIDE BY THE LAW OF GOD, and how would they vote? The hands of every one would be up almost without exception, but when it comes to the very point, when consecration in part might be required at their hands, that is the time to prove them and to see whether they would or wou1d not be obedient. "I do not know how long it will be before people are brought to the trying point to WHO IS AND WHO IS NOT FOR THE LORD; But I would advise the Latter-day Saints to prepare for this, for it may come sooner than some of you expect. If the Lord should undertake to bring about an order of things different from that which now exists, and establish it not exactly in the midst of this people, but in some place where they can commence anew, I hope the people will begin to pray to the Lord, reckon up with themselves and examine their own hearts and see whether they are willing and prepared if called upon, to place all that they have, or as much as they are required in that order of things, and carry it out. "When we go back to Jackson County, we are to go back with power. Do you suppose that God will reveal his power among an unsanctified people who have no regard nor respect for his laws and institutions, but who are filled with covetous-ness? No. When God shows forth his power among the Latter-day Saints, it will be because there is a union of feeling in regard to doctrine, and in regard to everything that God has placed in their hands; and not only a union, but a sanctification on their part that there shall not be a spot or wrinkle as it were, but everything shall be as fair as the sun that shines in the Heavens "In order to bring about this, who knows how many chastisements God may yet have to pour out upon the people calling themselves Latter-day Saints? Sometimes I fear, when I read certain revelations contained in this book. In one of them the Lord says, "1f this people will be obedient to all of my commandments, they shall begin to prevail against their enemies from this very hour, and shall not cease to prevail. In the same paragraph it says: "Inasmuch as this people will not be obedient to my commandments and live by every word that I have Spoken I will Visit them with sore afflictions. with pestilence, with plague, with sword and with the flame OF devouring fire." (H-Bomb) Is it not enough to make a person fear when God has spoken this concerning the Latter-day Saints?" "Let the righteous among this people abide in their righteousness, and let them
cleave unto the Lord their God; and if there are those among them who will
keep his commandments, they will be cleansed out by the judgments
of which I
have spoken." (They will be cleansed out.) "Jesus has been upon the earth a great many more times than you are aware of. When Jesus makes his next appearance upon the earth, BUT FEW of this Church WILL BE PREPARED to receive him and see him face to face and converse with him; but he will come to his Temple." (Discourses of Brigham Young, p. 114) In 1875 President Daniel H. Wells, a member of the First Presidency, sounded a similar warning. He said: "Many will doubtless make shipwreck of their faith and will be led away by the allurements of sin into by and forbidden paths; yet the Kingdom will not be taken from this People and given to another, BUT A PEOPLE WILL COME FORTH FROM AMONG US who will be zealous of good works, willing to do the bidding of the Lord, who will be taught in His ways, and who will walk in His paths." (Deseret News, Nov. 6, 1875) Repeating, in 1882: "And IF WE AS A PEOPLE do not hold ourselves on the altar, ready to be used, with our means and all that God has bestowed upon us, according to the Master's biding, FOR THE UPBUILDING OF HIS KINGDOM UPON THE EARTH, HE WILL PASS ON AND GET SOMEBODY ELSE, BECAUSE HE WILL GET A PEOPLE THAT WILL DO 1T. I do not mean to say that He will pass on and leave this people. No, there will come up FROM THE MIDST OF THIS PEOPLE that people which has been talked so much about." (October Conference 1882; Deseret News Dec. 9, 1882) Quoting from the Millennial Star in 1880: " Before the great day of the Lord shall come, and the day of righteousness and peace dawn upon this fair creation, two potent cleansing processes shall be in active operation. The first of these is the preparation of A CHOICE PEOPLE, purified by an application to their lives, as individuals and a community, of the principles of the Gospel of peace. Such a BODY WILL EVOLVE FROM THOSE CALLED LATTER-DAY SAINTS, who as a Church possess the Fulness and power of the pure plan of Salvation, Out of this community at present in the merely incipient stages of development, and from the remnant of the whole House of Israel, will emanate THE NUCLEUS OR FOUNDATION FROM WHICH WILL SPRING THE RIGHTEOUS MILLENNIAL POPULATION of our globe." (Millennial Star 42:584)It was in 1889 that the late Apostle Orson F. Whitney expressed the thought in this language: "Many of this people are perhaps preparing themselves by following after the world in its mad race for wealth and pleasure, and to go down with Babylon when she crumbles and falls; but I know that THERE IS A PEOPLE IN THE HEART'S CORE OF THIS PEOPLE, that will arise in their majesty in a day that is near at hand, and PUSH SPIRITUAL THINGS TO THE FRONT; A PEOPLE WHO WILL STAND UP FOR GOD, fearing not man nor what man can do, but believing, as the Prophet Joseph says, that all things we suffer are for our best good, and that God will stand by us forever and ever." (Deseret News Weekly, August 11, 1889) From this it is very evident that the REAL builders of the Kingdom of God will only be
a fraction of those left of the church. ONLY those who will live all the commandments of
God. "For behold, at that day shall he (Satan) rage in the hearts of the
children of men, and stir them UP to anger against that which is good. And others
will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that
ALL IS WELL, and thus the devil cheateth their
souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell. And behold, others he flattereth away
and telleth them there is no hell; and he saith unto them: (The last time Spencer W.
Kimball spoke he said: "ALL IS WELL IN ZION."
CLICK HERE to see. I am no devil, for there is none---and thus he whispereth in their ears until he grasps them with his awful chains, FROM WHENCE THERE IS NO DELIVERANCE." (2 Nephi 28: 20-22) The 4th. President of the Mormon Church Wilford Woodruff in his day, viewing the situation in the light of prophecy, said that there were more dead people (spiritually dead, he meant) among the Latter-day Saints, than in any other community of like size. And dwelling upon this phase of the subject, his counselor, George Q. Cannon, with clearness and emphasis, expressed the feelings of the leaders as follows: "I feel therefore, as one of the servants of the Lord, to CALL UPON THE LATTER-DAY SAINTS with all solemnity and earnestness, to put away their sins far from them, I call upon myself with all the power I have got; I call upon my family to put away everything from us that is offensive in the sight of God. I feel to lift my voice and warn my brethren and sisters of these things. It is true, he is not coming out in every case in his anger to destroy us: but THE WORK OF DESTRUCTION IS OPERATING SILENTLY AMONG US. I do not mean physical destruction altogether, but SPIRITUAL DESTRUCTION. It is operating among us and because of the process being silent, the people do not perceive it, MEN AND WOMEN are dropping off like worm-eaten apples from our trees, They ARE LOSING THEIR FAITH and their standing; and family after family, member after member, is disappearing and being forgotten, I CALL THIS A WORK OF THE SPIRITUAL DESTRUCTION; for WHEN MEN AND WOMEN LOSE THEIR FAITH, THEY ARE SPIRITUALLY DESTROYED, Their names are blotted out of the records of the just, and their condition is a most awful one." (Deseret News December 7. 1895 Just 5 years after the manifesto.) Clearly, as we view the situation, this "work of SPIRITUAL DESTRUCTION" is operating among this people and its deadly force is increasing; and As surely as the Prophets have so stated, the Lord will "choose a people out of this people," "a people" as Apostle Whitney explained, now NESTLED IN THE HEART'S CORE OF THIS PEOPLE, that will arise in their majesty in a day that is near at hand, and push spiritual things to the front; A PEOPLE THAT WILL STAND UP FOR GOD," and NOT BE ASHAMED OF HIS GOSPEL, nor afraid to proclaim the same, AND LIVE IT IN ITS FULNESS, though it cost them their fellowship with the members of the Church, and even their lives! This specially chosen people will doubtless fit in and harmonize with the prophecy mentioned in the "Coming Crisis" in the Millennial Star 15:290-291 May 7, 1853 that I have in my Library. "Reader, be resolute: This is a critical and trying moment with you. And this
is God's call unto you. Don't refuse when He calls you! And if you are
honestly, without prejudice, meditating upon what you now read, then God's spirit
is sweetly persuading you to believe what I say. The faint dawn of the Spirit is even now
upon your mind. Pray mightily for the Spirit of revelation to rest upon you, that
you may know the things that are freely given to you of God. And follow the
Spirit of revelation, as fast as you receive its whisperings, down into the
water where Jesus went, for the remission of your sins, and you will very soon become a
witness to the truth, and put your own seal upon it even as I have done. And you will
not barely believe and hope and fear, but you will know from present and personal
revelation, that the Lord is a God at hand, revealing Himself as freely as
He ever did in Patriarchal days. Will you not, then, be a happy man, 0 reader, and you
a happy woman, 0 reader, to come into possession of the same gift of present revelation
from heaven, that holy men and holy women enjoyed in ancient times? Yes, I know you
will. You will then feel deep pity and sorrow for anyone that says he doesn't
need present revelation: You will then discover the pride of such an one's heart, and
mourn over him as one that is blinded by the God of this wor1d. But your peace
will be great and your joy unspeakable. Although you can hardly believe me now, yet
through your faithfulness, the Spirit of prophecy will in due time rest even upon
you, O man! And also upon you, O woman! The Spirit of prophecy has rested
upon many sons and daughters in as humble walks of life as you are, and they, according to
"promise", have prophesied and dreamed dreams. Now when this promise is
fulfilled in your experience, you will feel very glad and very happy. And you will feel
thankful that you ever read this article with a humble, prayerful heart. And when you see
promised signs following your faith, as thousands have done in this day, then you will
exclaim, Surely this is not merely the form. but also the power of godliness---the kind
of gospel is in very deed the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth!
And then if you have money, which so many worship, you will not be afraid to give a tenth
to rear up a Temple like Solomon's, in which God will place the ark of His
covenant, and reveal His will through His servants the prophets, for the benefit of all
the ends of the earth. When you yourself have the promised gift of
discerning of spirits, then you will not have to ask your neighbor who is an imposter and
who is not---you will know from the Fountain Head all about it, just as well as the
next person. He that is spiritual judgeth all things. Many things are hard
to be understood, and reconciled, which the unstable and unlearned stumble at,
even as formerly--he that is spiritual can easily judge all things, but he that is not
spiritual can judge nothing correctly. for he is blind, and he cannot see afar off,
and is gone on the persuasions of other man or women. It will be this group of people---the group that carries on---doubtless that Isaiah referred to: "Hear the word of the Lord, ye that tremble at His word; your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name's sake said, Let the Lord be glorified; but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed." (Isaiah 66:5) Jesus said: "Enter ye in at the straight gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat; because straight is the gate and NARROW IS THE WAY WHICH LEADETH UNTO LIFE, AND FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT." (Matthew 7:13-14) Do you think you are one of the FEW? HOW MUCH PROOF DO YOU NEED? Would you have convicted O. J. ? These men spoke as prophets, BUT some people today say they were wrong. BUT WE KNOW BETTER! Dont we! Moroni said: " ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts. And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." If you don't get your OWN testimony that all these things are true---then you are no different than other Christians who don't get a testimony that Joseph Smith was a true prophet. Like everything else on this web site, I ONLY have given
you a little proof of of these people. The people who will carry on into the
Millennium. Could you be one of them? You decide. Your choice.