PAY ATTENTION TO WHO SAID IT, WE HAVE JUST "QUOTED" THE PROPHETS SAY: From the Bible we read: "And this is life eternal, that they might KNOW THEE the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent." (John 17:3) Joseph Smith said: "When things that are of the greatest importance are passed over by the weak-minded men without even a thought, I want to see truth in all its bearings and hug it to my bosom, I NEVER HEAR of a man being damned for believing too much; BUT they are damned for UN-belief." Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith page 374) "…the Bible shows there is a plurality of Gods…The word ELOHEIM ought to be in the plural all the way through- GODS." (TPJS 372) CLICK HERE see Eloheim "It is the FIRST principal of the Gospel TO KNOW FOR a certainty the character of God…that he was once a man like us…" (TPJS 345-346) "AND God said, LET US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness": Genesis 1:26 From the History of the Church we read: "It is generally supposed that Brigham Young was the author of the doctrine which places ADAM as the Patriarchal HEAD of the human race. Those who read the prophet's (Joseph Smith) treatise on the priesthood in the text above will have their opinions corrected upon the subject; for CLEARLY it is the word of the Lord through the Prophet Joseph Smith which established that doctrine." (Footnote Documentary History of the Church 3:388) "The heads of the GODS appointed ONE God for us." (TPJS 372) SEE Abraham 4: "The Gods" --32 times Brigham Young: (April 9, 1852) "Now hear it, O inhabitants of the earth, Jew and Gentile, Saint and sinner! WHEN our father ADAM CAME into the garden of Eden, he came with a celestial body, and brought Eve,…He is Michael, the archangel, the ancient of days! HE IS our father AND our God AND THE ONLY GOD with whom we have to do." (Journal of Discourses Volume one, page 50, OR (JD 1:50) ( 26 volumes, of great stuff) Brigham Young again: "How much unbelief exists in the minds of the Latter-Day Saints in regard to one particular doctrine…NAMELY that Adam is our father and God…He was the first man on the earth, AND its framer and maker. He with the help of his brethren brought it into existence, THEN he said "I want my children who are in the spirit world to come and live here. I want my children that were born to me in the spirit world to come here and take tabernacles of flesh…" (Deseret News Salt Lake City Utah, June 18, 1873) "Heber C. Kimball, The Grandfather of Spencer W. Kimball: "I have learned by experience that there is but ONE GOD that pertains to this people and he is the God that pertains TO THIS EARTH - the first man." (Adam) (Journal of Discourses 4:1) "When Adam and Eve HAD EATEN of the forbidden fruit, their bodies became mortal from its effects, AND THEREFORE their offspring were mortal." (Journal of Discourses 1:50) Some Mormons know that Michael became the man Adam. He set the pattern for us. He fell that men might be. Science today proves that a human body can ingest poisons that slowly kill it. The earthly matter of this world was poison to the bodies of Adam's children, they died like all of us do. The scriptures tell us Adam lived 930 years, (Genesis 5:5) and he died. Remember that Moses wrote this about 1500 BC. And Adam had been gone since 3200 BC. 1700 years before. Moses only told the people all they could accept, there is so much more to the story. Enough said for now, let's see what other men of God are willing to tell us. (Click here to see what Moses didn't say.) Journal of Discourses 6:275 Adam and Eve ate gross matter (of this earth) to produce mortal bodies for their spirit children. J D 4:217-218 Adam ate coarse material until his system was charged with it and he could produce mortal children. J D 13:145 For Adam and Eve to eat forbidden fruit was part of the eternal plan - don't blame Eve. J D 7:158 Man partook so he could know good and evil. J D 2:302 Adam ate and fell, "No other way." J D 7:285 Our parents were brought from another planet. J D 8:244 Adam brought seed and animals here. J D 3:319 Adam made like you and I on another earth. J D 3:319 Brought a wife with him. J D 8:208 If faithful, women to become Eves. J D 18:326 Joseph Smith knew Adam well, could describe him. J D 15:320 Resurrected bodies beget spirit children. J D 10:235 Adam came to people this earth. THE PROPHETS SAY MORMON, THE PROPHET: "Behold he created ADAM, and by ADAM came the fall of man. and because of the fall of man came Jesus Christ, EVEN THE FATHER and THE SON. (Mormon 9:12) Joseph Smith: "Search the scriptures, search the revelations which we publish, and ASK YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER. . . you will not then be dependent on man for the knowledge of God; nor will there be any room for speculation. No, for when men receive their instruction from Him that made them, they know how he will save them. Again, if (IF) others blessings are NOT YOUR BLESSINGS, others curses are not your curses; you stand then IN THESE LAST DAYS, as all have stood before you, agents unto yourselves, TO BE JUDGED ACCORDING TO YOUR WORKS." (TPJS 11-12) To say that Adam is not God, is like saying that Jesus is not God, because, he prayed to God.
The "ARCH" over
a door spans the void to both sides. It ties the two together. So did
Adam, he spanned the ARCH from our spirit creation (organization)
to our mortal (physical) beginnings, as he was the first. OUR FATHER "MICHAEL,
(Adam) mine ARCHANGEL,..." "This KNOW ALSO, that IN THE LAST DAYS perilous times shall come (See 2 Timothy 3:1-17) "H" Bombs soon, near Christmas "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, THAT in
"…it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. For there are certain men crept in unawares…ungodly men and denying THE ONLY GOD, and our Lord Jesus Christ." (See Jude 3,4) Joseph Smith said: "As far as we degenerate FROM GOD we descend to the Devil AND LOSE KNOWLEDGE, and without knowledge we cannot be saved, a man is saved no faster than he gets knowledge..." (TPJS 217) Now in our time the Mormon Leaders say: in "1976" 1976 "WE
warn you against the dissemination of doctrines which are not according to the
scripture and which are alleged to have been taught by some of the
General Authorities of past generations. SUCH for instance IS THE ADAM GOD
denounce that theory and hope that everyone
will be cautioned against this and other kinds of FALSE DOCTRINE."
(Spencer W. Kimball,
(Spencer W. Kimball, who prayed to give the priesthood to the Negroes. See my link to: Prophet and Priesthood) Jesus Christ: "IF they have persecuted me, THEY will also persecute you…BECAUSE THEY know not him that sent me." (John 15:20-21) Jesus: THEY shall put you out of the synagogue...(church) BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOT KNOWN THE THE FATHER (Adam) nor me." (John 16:2-3) The Lord: "…IN THE LATTER - DAYS ye shall consider it perfectly. I HAVE NOT SENT THESE PROPHETS, YET THEY RAN (prayed and supplicated the Lord) I HAVE NOT SPOKEN TO THEM, yet THEY PROPHESIED.. HOW long shall this be in the heart of the prophets THAT PROPHESY LIES? Which think to cause my people to forget MY NAME (Adam)…Behold I am against the prophets saith the Lord…" (Jeremiah 23:23,21,26,27,30) "Some dissidents would have us believe that Adam is our God and that we have nothing to do with any other God, WHICH on the face of it, IS RIDICULOUS." (Mormon Apostle, Mark E. Peterson, in his book : Adam Who is He? page 14) This same Mormon Apostle said
at the October 1980, Mormon Church conference in Salt Lake City:
was Adam our God, or did God become Adam? Ridiculous! "I bear you my
solemn testimony that this- The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints- is indeed the church
AND kingdom of God. Jesus is the Christ. Spencer
W. Kimball is his prophet. We
are the legal and divinely chosen custodians of the restored truth. This I
testify in the name of Jesus Christ." LDS Church Magazine the Ensign,
November 1980, page 18. (Somebody should have told him that he
was in conflict with the other prophets and the scriptures. AND that he was to
proud and smart for his own good.) Joseph
Smith said the church was NOT the kingdom of God. Click
my link here: Find
the Truth, The Kingdom of God
ON the Polygamy and Mormons link
under Related Topics.
HERE Those 2 men, and others who preside over the Mormon Church and are great businessmen, but are not Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. They run the Church from the Church Office Building, as the tallest skyscraper in Salt Lake City, Utah. "I know thy works... and thou hast tried them WHICH SAY THEY ARE APOSTLES, and are NOT, and hast found them liars." (Revelation 2:2) See TPJS 215 Test everything by the WORD of God! Below is the Cover of the November 1980 "Ensign" magazine which shows the World Map on the LDS Church Office Building. Nephi; "…I beheld that they (THEY)
were in a large and spacious building…BEHOLD
THE WORLD and the wisdom thereof… the great and spacious
(see the World map on the front
of it--easy to see from North Temple
street in Salt Lake City) and IT FELL…(to the north, towards
the Capitol at the top of State street) Thus SHALL
BE the destruction of ALL nations…"
"He that honoreth not the Son, honoreth NOT
THE FATHER which hath sent him. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He
that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath
everlasting life..."
In the History of The Church, Volume 5 we read: "Come to me; here are ADAM and EVE at the head, here's OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN, and Mother, the Queen. (Documentary History of the Church 5:254-footnote) This is looking across the Fountain
Enough of the pictures, now some scriptures to realize that prophets thousands of years ago saw our time. About 2600 years ago, two prophets saw our time and wrote: "And I also cast my eyes round about, and beheld...a great and spacious building; and IT STOOD as it were IN THE AIR, HIGH ABOVE THE EARTH . And it was filled with people, both old and young, both male and female; and their manner of dress was exceeding fine; and they were in the attitude of mocking and pointing their fingers towards those who had come at and were partaking of the fruit. And now I, Nephi, do not speak all the words of my father. But, to be short in writing, behold he saw OTHER multitudes pressing forward; and they came and caught hold of the end of the ROD OF IRON ; and they did press their way forward, continually holding fast to the ROD OF IRON, until they came and fell down and partook of the fruit of the tree. AND he also saw OTHER MULTITUDES FELLING their way TOWARDS THAT GREAT AND SPACIOUS BUILDING. And GREAT was the MULTITUDE that did enter INTO THAT STRANGE BUILDING. And after they did enter into that building they did point the finger of scorn at me AND those that were partaking of the fruit also; but we heeded them not. And all these things, of which I have spoken, were done as my father dwelt in a tent...I Nephi, was desirous also that I might see, and hear, and know of these things, by the power of the Holy Ghost, WHICH IS the gift of God unto all those who diligently seek him... For he (God) IS THE SAME yesterday, today, and forever;
and the way is prepared for all men...if it so be that they
REPENT and come unto him. For he that diligently (with much effort) seeketh
shall find; AND the mysteries OF GOD shall be unfolded unto them...And it
came to pass that I beheld that the ROD OF IRON, which my father had
seen, WAS THE WORD OF GOD...and whoso would hearken unto the word of
God, and would hold fast unto it, they would never perish..." (1 Nephi
8:26,27,29,30,31,33; 10:16-19; 11:25; 15:24; From the Book of
written 600 B.C. AND translated by Joseph Smith First published in
1830 and read by millions who don't realize what it means. "IF," you want to learn some more see 2
Nephi Chapter 3 where he talks about the
FRUIT 19 times, in that one chapter. The
CHURCH is now over 10 million,
And their names and records
as members of the Church are
kept in that building! That Great and Spacious Building
as it stood high in the air. Some fools say the Book of Mormon is false--so
what do you think now? Do "FACTS" matter, OR
would you have turned O.J.Simpson loose? Because of your traditions.
You just cannot see the facts. |