August 10, 2003
September 8, Letter below
Can you believe what you can’t see? Your TV clicker works to change channels but
you can’t see the beam. You hear radio waves that you can’t see. So how does God
tell a man what will happen? You can only see the results, that somehow it
So Plain. Saddam
& Hinckley below.
If you are not on the right frequency you can never get what is transmitted.
Your TV, radio, nothing works. And if you do hear
something, you may not understand the language. If it is in Spanish or Russian
or Chinese. God is not stupid or dead.
Some people come to my web sites and don’t really understand or believe what is
presented or transmitted. They are like doubting Thomas; and have to wait until
after the results are in evidence like the channel changes before they will
So let’s look at some evidence.
The top person of a country, business, school or church is called the President,
CEO, or King. Some people with even a small endowment don’t believe or realize
what a king really is. You all can understand what it means to be dead.
You know that too much rain does cause flooding when it’s hot. And that fires
are hotter in the summer, that you believe. Nuclear Fire-balls from bombs are
brighter than the sun at night and will burn you to death, and that you will
If you don’t get burned from the fire
even the floods can make you cry. Fires and floods
are in the summer. Blind dogs don’t even bark at the moon because they can’t see
it at all. They are often asleep. So just how long does it take to make a baby?
Just 5 minutes in the back seat of a car or 270 days that is about 9 months? And
just how long to make a blossom? That many trees that bear fruit in one place
is called an orchard. And if nobody is there to pick the
fruit that it is wasted and just falls to the ground to rot. If it all
rots then there is a shortage of that fruit. Maybe even a famine. Smart
as you now are you should read some parables of the future. About Saddam
Hussein and the LDS Mormon Church President Gordon B.
Hinckley. One given in 1984 and one in 1997. Yet both similar.
People who have visited my web site or
received the Survival Information years ago in the Mail have been able to see
the signs coming to happen.
“And we know that all things work together for good to
them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
So now you can tell if you really believe the Bible and the words of God, or are
you just a lip service Christian who really doesn’t believe.
“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise,
as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward,
not willing
that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief
in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away
with a great noise,
and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the
works that are therein shall be burned
11 Seeing then that all these things shall be
dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and
12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day
of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall
be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?”
2 Peter 3: 9- 12
(A Nuclear
fireball, 5
miles across makes great noise,
burns up
things with fire.
Nuclear Survival Information. Tell unbelieving people.
Friday August 8, 2003
I gave some information to Salt Lake City Television Stations there, NBC, ABC,
and CBS and KSL Radio all received the “Prophecy
Today” booklet I published back in 1980
that said on page
26 that the attack would come “in
the third year.” It is now the “Third
Year” in the 21st. Century, “2003”
and Saddam
Hussein and Gordon B. Hinckley are about to die.
They all got copies to
keep there in Salt Lake City. I signed them there for them in Salt Lake City at
their TV studios.
I also gave them the January 1998 flyer that is in printed form that has the
parables about Saddam Hussein’s death and Gordon B. Hinckley dieing. With much
more information for the reasons of the surprise attack soon that I have not put
on the web. They have lots of proof.
Also 15 Bible Bookmarks of things that will happen in the days ahead. I spoke of
the night before
that the ‘Doomsday Clock’ was clicking on the
last few ‘seconds’ before
the surprise attack comes. So that you can see some of the signs that are
happening I will quote some of what I presented to them, and the page numbers of
the booklet I gave them that I had published 23 years ago,
back in 1980.
On page 17: “My mother was busy preparing dinner for the visitors when
she was surprised to see (the Mormon church) President
Taylor (he died in 1887) come into the kitchen
soon after having retired. HE IMMEDIATELY started telling mother of a most
remarkable VISION THAT HE HAD JUST HAD while in
his room.
He stated that he saw Salt Lake City become a great city with many beautiful
paved roads and streets of cement construction, and the people become wealthy.
(in 1885 the streets and roads were dirt.)
He saw that the
City extended almost to
the Point of the Mountain.
(Where it is today in 2003, it has grown 18 miles in the past 118 years. Cement
Freeways and streets abound.) He saw the people become quite
to the Laws of God, and more interested in the accumulation of wealth than
living their religion. He told mother that
he saw war in Salt Lake City.
So great was the destruction of life within the CITY that blood ran down
the gutters as though it were streams of water.”
HERE to see other Visions, some by President John
Taylor and others who were prophets.
On page 20: Watch for the Sign.
3 Nephi CHAPTER 21
Israel shall be gathered when the Book of
Mormon comes forth—The Gentiles shall be established as
a free people in America—They shall be
saved if they believe and obey;
otherwise they shall be cut off and destroyed—Israel
shall build the New Jerusalem, and the lost tribes shall return. About A.D. 34
about the Tribes
“AND verily I say unto you,
I give unto you a sign,
that ye may know the time when these things shall be about to take place—
2 And behold, this is the thing which I will give unto
you for a sign—for verily I say unto you that when these
things which I declare unto you… shall be made known unto the Gentiles that they
may know concerning this people who are a remnant of the house of
Jacob…(Israel) CLICK HERE To learn of
4 For it is wisdom in the Father that they
should be established in this land, (USA) and be set up as a free people
7 And when these
things come to pass…(what things?) —it shall be
a sign
unto them, that they may know that the work of the Father (our great
patriarch of the human race) hath already commenced.
9 For in that day, for my sake (Christ) shall
the Father work a work, which shall be a great and a marvelous work among them;
and there shall be among them those who will not
believe it, although
a man shall declare it
unto them.
But behold, the life of
my servant shall be in
my hand; therefore they shall not hurt him, although he shall be marred because
of them. Yet I will heal him,
see the
Airplane wreck)
for I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the
devil.” 3 Nephi 21:
verses marked.
It is surely marvelous that a farmer from Parowan Utah could warn millions
all over the world on Radio talk shows and
give free life saving information on the internet to the people who would
listen. Can you see the sign!
Page 18: “May
1843 Joseph Smith said: The government will not receive you with the laws
that God designed you to live, and those who are desirous to live the laws of
God will have to go south. The United States WILL spend
her strength and means WARRING IN
(as I set this
today 8/10/03
we have soldiers in Korea, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Liberia.)
until other nations (led by
the former Communists) will say, “Let’s divide up the lands of the United
States,” then the people of the U.S. will unite and swear by the blood of their
fore-fathers, that the land shall not be divided.” Page
18 that I published back 23 years ago.
The USA does not
have enough troops in all the world to protect Saudi
Arabia's oil exports. When they are stopped, the whole world goes down
the tubes. We won't need 10 million barrels each day from them then. Nobody
now can imagine gas at $8 dollars a gallon $5 in the USA, and Stocks worth just cents on the
dollar. Inflation at 25% or more. And millions killing just for food. But that's
the world coming.
I only have a few hundred of those “Prophecy Today” booklets left now
that go with all the Mormon Survival Information for the $ 22 dollars CASH to me
at The Parowan Prophet, P.O. Box 1000 (like the Millennium of 1000 years)
in Parowan Utah, 84761-1000 USA They will be included just as long as they
Page 19: Joseph Smith said in 1843: “Many will
come with bundles under their arms to escape
the calamities, and there will be no escape except by fleeing to Zion.”
the White Horse Vision.
ATMOSPHERE at a terrible velocity and people were carried up-ward only to
descend an unrecognizable mass.” Contributor Magazine
“1894” Published in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Over 100 years ago they didn’t know what to call
fallout from Nuclear Bombs.
CLICK HERE and see many Cities to
be hit.
Page 23: “But according to the
Scriptures, there will be few prepared for the coming of the
bridegroom- A Few, as in the days of Noah,
who will escape the dreadful destruction.” The
Seer, page 307 “1854” by Orson Pratt
Can you just imaging a bridegroom coming for 10 women, and only 5 get to go in
to the bedchamber with him? See Matthew 25 about most people who are asleep.
CLICK HERE To see some terrible destruction. Hot
Page 7: “Daniel who was put into the lions den,
said about 2500 years ago ‘…and there shall be
a time of
trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to the same time
and at that time thy people shall be delivered, (what people?) everyone that
shall be found written in the book.” (What book?) Daniel 12:1
There has never been a Nuclear War among
Nations, and the death of billions on earth. You are about to see the beginning
of hell on earth. And you are wasting time to prepare. Do you really
think that those News people at those stations will help you to be warned.
If they do some story about my warning
then call and thank them.
If they just ignore the facts and much
more proof that I showed them, then call and ask why
they don’t even care about you! I can’t buy air time. I just do what I
can afford to do with the help of some others. Why don’t you contribute just 5
or $10 dollars each month to help me in the cause of warning people. I usually
pass out thousands of pieces of information each month to help people free.
Page 32: “Behold, I sent you
out to testify and warn
the people, and it becometh every man
(woman) who hath been warned to warn his neighbor.
82 Therefore, they are left without excuse, and
their sins are upon their own heads. ..and
to prepare the saints for the hour of judgment
which is to come;
85 That their souls may
escape the wrath of God, the desolation of abomination…(“A” “Bomb” A Nation) which awaits
the wicked.”
See the Doctrine and Covenants
86 for yourself.
Are you really trying to warn people? Or are you just sitting on your fat
a-- and hoping that you don’t have to see it happen? Most of America is
overweight and lazy about doing what God has commanded.
the beginning of the booklet, Author’s Comments--
In the Bible we read in Numbers 22:28 where the Lord opened the mouth of a
donkey to speak the truth. There seems to be a tradition that we have grown up
with which says that only our religious leaders can know and speak the truth.
Now if the Lord could speak through the mouth of Balaam’s ass over 3400 years
ago, is it not possible that he could speak today through the mouth of a farm
boy from Parowan, Utah?
So have a look around my free web site. You will learn something. So will you
help to establish the Kingdom of God on this earth?
CLICK HERE and see.
What do you think of the
Media? Do the Facts matter to them?
CLICK HERE and see.
Steve, September 8, 2003
I have an idea to pass by you. What about a weekly program for a half hour where
I talk and use quotes from “all” sources, Scriptures “and leaders” quotes. Every
subject could be covered, and the last 5 minutes callers can suggest topics for
the following week.
I could even blend the advertising into the program.
I had a vision August 8th. And went to Salt Lake to tell people. See
this link:
The Statue of Liberty had her robe burnt off.
She dropped the torch and squatted
down to cover her naked breasts and private parts like any woman would do. She
was so skinny she looked just like a 2nd. World War
camp survivor.
Her bony butt was blown off the pedestal into the water.
began to swim west to the Sunset. The water turned red and began to boil as she
swam. That was a month ago today, back on August 8th.
August 27, the planet “Mars” was the closest in 60,000 years. It was the “Roman”
God of War. It is the red “blood” planet. And God has said: In Genesis 1: 14
“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the
day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for
seasons, and for days, and years:” Genesis
The signs and season of War
approaches. Mars the god of War.
I’m at 477-0000 in
Parowan. It’s unlisted; I use it for radio programs only. Otherwise I would have
hundreds of callers as I did in the past after a program. Let’s talk and save
some lives here in Southern Utah. Leland Saddam & Hinckley are about to
die. See the link above. 
January 4, 2004 "UP-Date" @
5am. Now I understand why my
vision of her, why she was nothing but
bones when naked. See:
"And it shall come to pass in
that day, saith the Lord GOD,
that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will
darken the earth in the clear day: (fallout clouds)
10 And I will turn your feasts into
mourning, and all your songs into lamentation;
(weeping) and I will bring up sackcloth upon
all loins, and baldness upon every
head; (radiation
exposure) and I will make it as the mourning
of an only son, and the end thereof as a bitter day.
(a whole family dead)
11 Behold, the days come, saith the
Lord GOD, that I will send a
famine in the land, not a
famine of bread, nor a thirst for
water, but of hearing
the words of the LORD: (The
whole land of Liberty is famished.)
12 And they shall wander from sea to
sea, (Atlantic to the Pacific)
and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek
the word of the LORD, and shall not find it.
In that day shall the fair virgins and young men
faint for thirst."